GAmecube controller grounding

Crazy Inventor

Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm new and my first question(which I guess is basic) is where is the common grounding on a gamecube controller? If somebody could label a picture of a controller (preferably official) this would get me started on finishing the controller wiring for my GC portable. Thanks.
if you look at the button pads...the bottom circle or the one to the right are always ground..luke in this picture:

picture taken from

the red circles are ground...i also believe that a gamecube controller uses the same ground through out the controller so that just makes life easier :D
Spoleyo said:
if you look at the button pads...the bottom circle or the one to the right are always ground..luke in this picture:

the red circles are ground...i also believe that a gamecube controller uses the same ground through out the controller so that just makes life easier :D

Great help. Thanks.