Gameboy Pocket Parts Question


Do you guys know any source for parts that i can use with Gameboy Pocket? I mean cases (3rd party is ok with me) buttons (or ones which fit inside gameboy pocket that i can use [DS? psp?]), battery covers etc?

And is there any good way to repaint a gbp silver, so that it still has it's logo's and text intact? I read Theretris' tutorials with no avail.

BTW. I'm from Poland (polfag reportin'! :awesome: ) so any european source is welcome :P
Anyone? Any answer is good :P I'm just trying to figure out if i can buy the parts or do i have to make molds and cast them on my own. Anyone of you ever tried casting your parts? Help a newb out :P
polish ebay=nothing
Allegro (ebay equivalent) = only working and incomplete units price for shipping is just too effin' high

Do you honestly think I would come here without checking options in the reach of my hands?:-)

Any other thoughts?
I've never been able to find a place where you can just buy the outer shell, for pockets anyway. I found a site that sells CGB shells and SP shells but no far as buttons go, people have started projects to mold custom colored buttons, however they have only done DMG and NES buttons, no pocket buttons and the buttons are small-ish and idk of any other button that would fit without some serious sanding/cutting to get them to fit. That goes for battery covers too, although US ebay sells battery covers often because they are usually the first part to get lost, aside from the link port cover on DMGs. As far as painting, there isn't anything you can do to maintain the labels, on the pocket, though, the Nintendo logo and the ON&OFF parts of the case are molded onto it, so you'd only be losing the SELECT, START, A, and B text, and frankly, if you don't know what the buttons do without looking at the text, you really shouldn't be playing a Gameboy to begin with. :P

Anyways I hope this helps clear some stuff up, let me know if you have other questions.

Ishwhale :awesomeish:
Thanks alot Ishmael! Pitty that market for the shells right became too small (month ago i saw a clear yellow gbp shell...was broke atm so i didn't buy it). It actually makes me want to start molding custom buttons and battery covers (which is going to be hard since i got two models of gbp: one with and one without powerled, but both are missing the cover..ehh). As for the painting...well it's not that i don't know which button is which, i just wanted to refubrish them so that they look new or atleast not badly scratched (i am currently collecting gameboy line of handhelds). Well when i will have more time I'll try to figure out molding methods and make my own replacements :) i wonder if Polish market needs that kind of products (collectors/gamers that is :P). Thanks again not only for your response and information, but for not treating me like one of children that bought gameboy for 2$ and wanted to share their sharpie mods with you :-)

Never used the product, but they have a spiffy website and lots of tutorials. There are other options of course, but you'll probably want something similar for molding buttons. I don't know if it'll work for battery covers though. Might be too brittle.
I was thinking about making lego to make hard plastic copies of whole case...currently I'm thinking how should i make it (probably two pard mold, but that brings two problems: cartridge slot and speaker holes), and researching into melting point of lego material (probably the same as the one used for consoles), or about cutting down broken parts of other consoles and reuse them :-). Actually it would be great to make lego themed gba SP or gbp :P

Thank you XCVG these tutorial will be helpful :-) now i just need to find some time between my job and studies :P
Well this is quite the coincidence; I was just looking into custom molding some DMG (and probably CGB, and MGB) buttons myself. What are the odds that the only topic on the subject on MR would be posted at around the same time?

Anyway, I'll most likely be able to get a ride both back home to get my DMGs and to the store tomorrow or Sunday to pick up some Perler beads that I plan to melt into a mold (made of what, I don't know (any ideas?)). Also, if this plan is stupid or won't work, someone, please tell me. :roll:

I should probably be able to acquire all the materials I need within a few days, and if this technique works, I'll be sure to inform you, Damndan, my man. :mrgreen:
Well, perler beads are REALLY soft, I think maybe ABS, the stuff rest of the case is made of, would work better. I used to use perler beads as a kid, and i could cut them with my fingernail. easy to melt, too. They use a lowly clothes iron to melt them, after all. :)
Perler beads melt easily and would work, but they feel waxy and weird. Not sure if that would be good for buttons. As for a mold, some sort of silicon rubber. Maybe RTV in a tube would work?
Royal said:
Well, perler beads are REALLY soft, I think maybe ABS, the stuff rest of the case is made of, would work better. I used to use perler beads as a kid, and i could cut them with my fingernail. easy to melt, too. They use a lowly clothes iron to melt them, after all. :)
Ah, I hadn't realized that the beads were so weak. The whole idea (at least for me) behind making custom buttons is to circumvent painting buttons and having the paint chip off through excessive use. ABS sounds nice, but I don't have any idea where could I buy a small amount of it in multiple colors (esp. orange and white).

EDIT: I just thought of this, but I doubt it would work. Could I just take some BS that I might find laying around or something and make ABS cement out of it via the paint thinner method and then pour that into a mold?
XCVG said:
Perler beads melt easily and would work, but they feel waxy and weird. Not sure if that would be good for buttons. As for a mold, some sort of silicon rubber. Maybe RTV in a tube would work?
Waxy and weird is definitely a turn-off for me in regards to buttons, so Perler beads really aren't looking good. I'm glad I decided to get confirmation on my plan before I wasted any money on it.

Also, I did a little googling on RTV. If it's used for sealing plumbing problems and the like, I would think it would be too difficult to cut the button out of the mold. But, if you've had contrary experiences with it, I'll take your word on it and give it a shot. :)
Jewjo said:
I just thought of this, but I doubt it would work. Could I just take some BS that I might find laying around or something and make ABS cement out of it via the paint thinner method and then pour that into a mold?
If you use a peice of white plastic, like a Wii peripheral, and add a little food colouring, It might make the ABS cement the colour if the dye. :? I would recommend using water based food dye, but it might spoil the cement. Then again, I'v never made ABS cement, so I wouldn't know for sure. It's just an idea. :)
Jewjo: I don't think the liquid ABS would work. It doesn't dry evenly and smoothly and probably wouldn't cast that good. You could try melting ABS, though.

As for RTV silicon, I've never tried it. I don't know if it will work because a mold is pretty thick. However, it's the closest thing to real mold silicone rubber I can think of. Whatever you use for a mold, make sure you use mold release of some sort. Vaseline, maybe?
So I was looking into plastic molding some more online and I think I found a better alternative to using ABS: melting LEGOs It seems to be much easier and the results seem to retain all color. Any idea if this would work?

As for molds, I just remembered that in 2nd grade we used some stuff called plaster of paris a lot for molding dinosaur bones and stuff. I remember that stuff being pretty easy to use. Perhaps it would be suitable for making a mold for my uses?
Whoah ^^ it's great to know somebody else joined the boat :P Sorry for no response for long time, but i'm working and the studies started with a fast pace for now. But i ain't going to abandon the project.

I've been wondering if one part mold (the press mold) could do the job. It's fairly easy to make, and you just pour plastic over the negative made in mold material (as for buttons).

the other way can be carving a aluminum mold and heat that up :P
Plaster should work for a 1-piece, flat backed mold. I think that'll do for buttons at least. Cases, no, but for buttons it should do the job. It won't last long, though, since it's brittle and inflexible. Use some sort of release for sure.

As for melting Legos, that guy/girl/thing didn't really melt them completely. You'd have to get it liquid to cast buttons.
Done some reading and this plastic (used for containers) has quite low melting point ... hylene.asp
-it demands alot of patience not to be burned easily
+ it's easily obtainable

However i've read Here that there are plastics melting in boiling water...which would make our project safer and easier, hence it produces less fumes. Currently I'm looking more into the topic. Does any of you guys know such plastic? Any products using such plastic?

Edit: ... re=related
Also found this :P