GameBoy Micro LCD 90° turn?


Well-Known Member
So, I'm wanting to turn the LCD of my GBM 90° so I can do a portrait mod to put the insides in a DMG case. I've rewired all the button and jacks. The LCD has enough give to turn it 90° but when I do the screen goes black. But, When I do it the other way, (To where it's upside down at a portrait perspective) It outputs normally. The only problem being it's upside down. :p What could I do to either:
A. Rotate what the GB is outputting so that it is "flipped" when the LCD is rotated in the "wrong direction cancelling out the fact it's upside down.


B. Make it so that it doesn't output black when it is turned the right way.

I know it's kind of a stretch for either thing to happen but just wanted to see before I went and tried a bunch of other stuff.

not saying it can't be done, but it sounds like a bit of a waste to use a Micro, a GBA SP would be better and use the space more effectively, you could take advantage of the larger screen too
Forgot to mention it's mini custom built case to look like a DMG. What's the best way to chip away the orange plastic on screen cables? I accidentally broke one line and it only makes connection when it's flat. Could I melt with my iron to solder to the copper trace?