Gameboy Colour Corrosion help!!!!!!!

ok so i got this for like £1.50 :awesome:
the battery slot has like corrosion on it and the screw next to it corroded, but right next to the screw and speaker is a little black thing... thats corroded off and crumbled :hit: :gonk:
what was it relevant to and is it important? also the sound doesnt work, is that as a result of the corrosion possibly?

pics for those who care :ninj: ... %20colour/

the yellow is the missing bit, blue is corroded spring, orange is the screw i removed with plyers as the cross was gone lol
Re: GBA flash cards and how to make one??

dealextreme had supercard sd's, that's what I've used for the longest time. I believe they're around $15. Just be aware that shipping is nightmarishly slow.
Re: GBA flash cards and how to make one??

zeturi said:
dealextreme had supercard sd's, that's what I've used for the longest time. I believe they're around $15. Just be aware that shipping is nightmarishly slow.
dealextreme being a member here or a site :sweat:
Re: GBA flash cards and how to make one??

cheers dude, althogh they seem to be sold out of them lolage :awesome:
ill keep checking to wait until they have some in stock :)