Gameboy Color Recharagable battery mod.

N00BModdr said:
Bibin said:
I have to ask, what did you use as a charging / protection circuit? I'm not seeing any special wiring or whatnot.
I don't know about pkmnjunky7, but i didnt use any :oops:
And i also just noticed that mine is remarkably similar to his. Same color CGB, same game in it. But mine has the blue battery cover.

I didnt wire in any sort of protection/chargin circuit. I just take the battery out and charge it on one of my many broken SPs i have laying around.
Does anyone know how to wire in some jack or thingmabob (excuse my noobish language) so that the battery will charge inside the CGB?
Ok. My CGB is going absolute wonkers. I think its because of the battery. The battery from the SP is 3.8v, and the gameboy usually takes 3v. I have two theories. One, the battery needs to be charged (its almost dead). Two, the extra .8v is making the gameboy have problems. For the first like 8 hrs of the battery being installed, it was going great. Now, i turn it on, and the screen is having some serious image stability issues. Can anyone help??? :?
Did you try charging your batteries? That usually happens when something isn't getting proper voltage. :?
Would you be fine with it charing inside the CGB if you had to build your own wall wart only for the CGB? If so, I can link to the $5 in parts you will need, and it will work with any li-ion battery projects in the future.
If I'd had that GameBoy when I got a BGC and Pokemon Crystal for Christmas when I was seven, I would have ended up a very socially deprived child.

Nice work :awesome:
PalmerTech said:
Would you be fine with it charing inside the CGB if you had to build your own wall wart only for the CGB? If so, I can link to the $5 in parts you will need, and it will work with any li-ion battery projects in the future.
Hmm... I'm not sure what a wall wart is... :? Can you explain?
I know how to do it while charging it in the SP, but I wanted to know how to make it charge inside the CGB. I can find countless examples, but no information that will help someone like me...
Want to do what bibin does?
If so I'll post a tutorial tomorrow.
he makes the battery internal.
adds a charging port.
wires a sp. up to a plug to act as the charger.
No problem.
The tutorial will be with an MGB but it is the same thing as the CGB
MGB = Gameboy pocket
CGB = Color gameboy
DMG = Original gameboy

Just for anybody who was wondering.
Is the board of the MGB similar enough to the CGB in the areas pertinent to this mod that there wont be a problem with someone who is very unexperienced in modding?