Future Projects/Project Ideas

Re: Future Projects

Current/Future Projects:
DreamTop of Awesomness
You all know about this one. If you don't look at my WorkLog.

SNESp of Awesomness
I am buying the SNESp package from Bibin and I am gonna make me a SNESp just like I wanted to.

PS2 Laptop of Awesomness
Shh... It's a secret. :wink:

SNES/NES Hybrid Laptop
Shh... it's also a secret. :wink:

GENp of Awesomness
I got 2 working Genesises from Tibia so I decided to make a GENp.

Guitar Overhaul of Awesomness
Killswitch, Epic Drawing, other goodies on my guitar.

So yeah, I'm a dreamer. :awesomeafro:

Failed Projects:
SNESp (Super-Retro-Spec)
So I had a Retro-Duo, PS1 Screen, and a Small battery.
Fried my Retro-Duo somehow, and I put it aside.
StoneAgeGamer shows up on Benheck with a few Retro Duos.
I go to post in the thread, but Banditpaw1 claimed them all.
I ask him if he could please be kind and spare a Retro-Duo.
He says: "No, but I might sell one to you"

So this one was trashed.
Re: Future Projects

I wonder how hard it would be to make a SD G/NOAC Portable. Are there any other NOACs that use SD cards?
Hmm, I'm actually thinking about doing a test portable. Make a Genesis 2 portable, with a 4 inch screen in the back, (powered by 6 double A batteries?) and a built in controller. If possible, I want to remove the Expansion Slot. I wounder if I can fit rechargeable batteries in the Genesis 2 case without adding extra space.
J.D said:
Hmm, I'm actually thinking about doing a test portable. Make a Genesis 2 portable, with a 4 inch screen in the back, (powered by 6 double A batteries?) and a built in controller. If possible, I want to remove the Expansion Slot. I wounder if I can fit rechargeable batteries in the Genesis 2 case without adding extra space.

The expansion slot is just the edge of the circuit board, like a cartridge. You can cut it off the same way you would trim a board. Won't gain you much though.
It wouldn't be a whole lot, but the batteries could then be tucked into that space. Depending on how many of the traces in that part of the board are tied only to pins in the expansion, he might be able to trim it enough for all four batteries. Replace the 7805 with a switching regulator, and he's good to go.