Frequent Poster
Re: Future Projects
Current/Future Projects:
DreamTop of Awesomness
You all know about this one. If you don't look at my WorkLog.
SNESp of Awesomness
I am buying the SNESp package from Bibin and I am gonna make me a SNESp just like I wanted to.
PS2 Laptop of Awesomness
Shh... It's a secret.
SNES/NES Hybrid Laptop
Shh... it's also a secret.
GENp of Awesomness
I got 2 working Genesises from Tibia so I decided to make a GENp.
Guitar Overhaul of Awesomness
Killswitch, Epic Drawing, other goodies on my guitar.
So yeah, I'm a dreamer.
Failed Projects:
SNESp (Super-Retro-Spec)
So I had a Retro-Duo, PS1 Screen, and a Small battery.
Fried my Retro-Duo somehow, and I put it aside.
StoneAgeGamer shows up on Benheck with a few Retro Duos.
I go to post in the thread, but Banditpaw1 claimed them all.
I ask him if he could please be kind and spare a Retro-Duo.
He says: "No, but I might sell one to you"
So this one was trashed.
Current/Future Projects:
DreamTop of Awesomness
You all know about this one. If you don't look at my WorkLog.
SNESp of Awesomness
I am buying the SNESp package from Bibin and I am gonna make me a SNESp just like I wanted to.
PS2 Laptop of Awesomness
Shh... It's a secret.

SNES/NES Hybrid Laptop
Shh... it's also a secret.

GENp of Awesomness
I got 2 working Genesises from Tibia so I decided to make a GENp.
Guitar Overhaul of Awesomness
Killswitch, Epic Drawing, other goodies on my guitar.
So yeah, I'm a dreamer.

Failed Projects:
SNESp (Super-Retro-Spec)
So I had a Retro-Duo, PS1 Screen, and a Small battery.
Fried my Retro-Duo somehow, and I put it aside.
StoneAgeGamer shows up on Benheck with a few Retro Duos.
I go to post in the thread, but Banditpaw1 claimed them all.
I ask him if he could please be kind and spare a Retro-Duo.
He says: "No, but I might sell one to you"
So this one was trashed.