FS: Xbox 360 Laptop (Looks professional, non nooby)

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~Ah the aluminum sheets again. You still do poor research. Here is a what he says on the website "has a hand cut and shaped aluminum case. The shell is covered with a carbon fiber vinyl finish."
Meaning the outside is plastic, and therefore would not allow the aluminum to dent unless it dented first. Or when I dropped many numerous consumer products with a plastic shell the aluminum magicaly undented itself?
Now, who doesn't do their research?

~And I can continue to charge my price of $2,250. It is more then a new one but it also has many things the new ones do not. For example, a lifetime warranty

~I was wrong on the inactive, just last time I had checked a few weeks ago he was not responding to anything since his RedBull build

~Ah Abyss but if only I were talking in sentences. Bullets require no periods. I throw them in the bullets to separate my ideas not follow grammar. Oh, I do not capitalize English. Oh I had no idea it takes away from being able to understand my posts. I had no idea that one simple lack of an uppercase makes my posts horrid third grade spelling. My posts are perfectly easy to read, you just need something to find fault in and be mad at

~And to AfroLH yes I spelt it wrong big deal. Ban me if you wish, that does not mean I cannot change my IP again and create a new account. I will always come back with many more things to sell

And it is very adorable how you all get so mad and pissed at me, and for what?
If we could all talk in a calm manner no one would pull out the stupid ban card so they feel like they make a difference or that on the anonymous internet they can actually do something.
You all must grow up and worry about real things. You life great lives and have nothing to truly worry about so you take random stuff and get pissed at it because you need something to be mad at.

All I have done wrong is misspell a word and not capitalize English. You all need to get a life. Its is truly sad
Also, where did Google add the translate option for that flax to English? I know that's the only way your posts could be as mildly coherent as they are. There are a few webpages that that would be extremely useful on.

If you learned to read, you would have noticed that I was making a comment about your thought processes rather than your grammar.

Also, if you honestly think that a vinyl overlay makes any kind of significant difference in how strong metal is, you're *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing retarded. This is the same flax they put on ad cars to get out of having to paint them. If it made any noticeable difference, all cars would be wrapped by now.

Blackie said:
Ban me if you wish, that does not mean I cannot change my IP again and create a new account. I will always come back with many more things to sell
This just took away any credibility you had left. Even if you do come back to sell more flax, it's not like people are going to buy any of it. Because, well, either it's flax, or your prices are.
My gosh ttsgeb, do research. Do not just post when you think you know what you are talking about.

It is a hard plastic, that is pretty thick. Wait, no your right, I am sorry. You have an Xbox 360 Laptop made by DarkUncle so you would know better then me. :rolleyes:

And I had no credibility, you just threw that in there so you would feel like the better man with a finishing blow. Like you ever respected me?
Blackie said:
ttsgeb said:
The year is 4024 and you're back on Earth.

Wow, learn the english language. The word earth is the only planet that is not capitalized. You look like an idiot.
Wow, learn the English language. When you quote something, you quote it verbatim, grammatical errors and all. If you cut anything out, you use an ellipsis to show it. If you put something in, you put square brackets around it. If you don't do this, you are Plagiarizing.

Wow, learn the English language. The word earth is an improper noun referring to that stuff outside that trees grow on. The word Earth is a proper noun referring to the common name for the planet we live on, Terra. You are an idiot.

On top of that, I was not commenting on your failure to grasp acceptable English grammar, I was commenting on the fact that you somehow put your retarded thoughts into it, likely through a third party such as Google translate.

This just shows further that you DO NOT *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING GET THE POINTS WE ARE TRYING TO MAKE.

Once again, $2250 is too much for this, by any stretch of the imagination. If you want to bill it as having a warranty from darkuncle, Show proper legal documents stating that said warranty is transferable.

Even then, you are still asking $750 more than what you should be for it.

Furthermore, when you are selling a high ticket item, show pictures that prove that you have it, such as your own photos of it including a sheet of paper with your Username, email, what site you are trying to sell it at, and any other confirmations of ownership you can think of.

Wow. Learn to sell flax on the internet.
Blackie said:
The shell is covered with a carbon fiber vinyl finish

It's just a finish, dude, solely for cosmetics. It's not going to protect the laptop much more than a slather of paint would.

Moreover, repeatedly telling Geb and the others to grow up and learn about what they're talking about isn't helping your side. I'm not trying to drop in and just flax on you, but everyone was just trying to help, and you overreacted.

People use the Junkyard to get rid of things they no longer need, thinking that they may be of interest to other members, they don't do it for a profit. Now, I don't know why you paid so much for your laptop, but what you're charging currently is too high if you want to get rid of it here. Try eBay, you may get more luck.

I'm just trying to restate what everyone's told you. Attempt to be calm and respectful with the more well-known members around here, and listen to what they have to say. If they didn't know what they were talking about, they wouldn't have stuck around for long.
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