FS: Thursty64, a Nintendo 64 Portable.

Sorry for the significant bump, but is this portable still for sale? I might be interested, but I might have to trade over cash.
OMG I will trade mostly everything i have 4 it!!!!!! i will trade it for my SNES with controller and my only game with all the wires the game is Mortal Kombat 3... PS2 with a lot of games exept the only thing about the PS2 is no controller but its all in good condition!!!! u have to get the controller on your own soo tell me if its a TRADE!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE I WANT THAT PORTABLE!!!!!! :cry4: please i beg of you!! :cry4:
Build your own? I don't know, SS is still taking commissions. You could PM him.
Or you could make a WTB thread.
That's why I gave other suggestions.

Again, ShockSlayer is on commission for making another N64 portable. Or you could add a thread in the trading section titled Wanted to Buy: N64P