FS: Parts for a portable


sweet justice
I have a bunch of parts for a portable for sale. Just give me offers on what you want.

Trimmed Rev 4 n64 with trimmed jumper pack and relocated cartslot, copper heatsinks
3.5" LCD screen
stereo audio amp with speakers
tommee n64 controller wired to tacts on perfboard
2 3.7v 4700mah LiPo cells with PCB and charger(and 3.3v regulator)
n64 4-port breakout box with VGA ports

Everything is in good shape.
how much for the battery pack alone (charger, cells, pcb)

can you even sell those separatly or do you want the whole parts kit gone?

side note, how much for just the charger?
Hmm, was thinking 15 shipped per cell, ill give the pcb for free if you buy both, 10 shipped for the charger, $40 shipped for both cells, pcb, and charger.
Bush said:
Hmm, was thinking 15 shipped per cell, ill give the pcb for free if you buy both, 10 shipped for the charger, $40 shipped for both cells, pcb, and charger.

In case anyone's on the fence about that, that's a steal for that stuff.

Pictures/details on the screen and audio amp? Does the N64 definitely work?
Here's some pics:



Sorry for my crappy camera, and wire mess. Everything works fine!
That N64 looks like a mess, but this would be the best buy a noob who wants to make a portable without actually doing any work could make.
I cleaned it up a bit, the hotglue for the heatsinks and wire mess make it look bad.
how much would you want for the n64 and the controller? i could clean them up easily and that'd make a nice little screen tester at my desk. could play a little dk 64 or something haha. it might be a while before i can buy them if you do sell em though.
How much for EVERYTHING shipped to WI, USA.

I just fried my N64 that all I had to do was case it and kinda broke some other stuff out of rage and hurrying (quickly tried to retest with different power supplies, connected to wrong lines, broke more stuff including my audio amp, pcb, and regulator)

I see 40 for all the battery stuff, 15 for controller, and maybe not too much more for the rest?

I saw your thread on this project and it looked like you were going great so why are you selling (if I may ask)?

EDIT: Sorry, I just found out some of my scraps still work so I am only asking for VGA box and controller.
Hey Bush, if you haven't disappeared from the interwebs just yet, and haven't sold the n64, I'd be interested in it and the controller.