For sale/trade: N64 Games and other stuff


Well-Known Member
Sup dogs. I haven't had an N64 in ages, so there's no reason for me to have these games. I don't even like the N64 that much anyway. All the games I strongly enjoy have ports, namely the Zelda games, and the other two or three games I may heavily desire to play again in the future are on the Virtual Console.


Star Wars Episode 1 Pod Racer
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Super Mario 64
F Zero X
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Pokemon Snap
Pokemon Puzzle League
1080 Avalanche
NFL Blitz
Starfox 64
Rayman 2

And that's it for games, afaik. There's also an N64 third-party memory card that works very well, and I have a first-party expansion pak in my closet that I can find if somebody is interested.

There is also this painted and modded Gameboy Advance for sale:


It has a switch behind the L button that changes the clock speed between normal, 1/2 speed, and double speed during gameplay (but it won't start up on the 1/2 speed setting, however).

Also this:


It has a 2-LED white backlight in it, very little cosmetic wear, and a 2 speed overclock switch (normal and double speed).

I'll let the Gameboys go fairly cheap, I have no use for them anymore.

I'm open to both monetary and trade offers. If anybody has a Super Famicom controller in good condition, I will gladly take that.
I may be interested in some items (N64 Expansion Pak), but it really depends on the price. Can you maybe put prices next to items? Also, for some reason the image of the GBA isn't showing up.
Does $15 shipped sound good for the expansion pak? I'd be willing to trade a red gameboy pocket for it. Just curious, how low would you let the dmg go for?
I'll give you $5 for Shadows of the Empire

Also, why are you selling that DMG when you could just ship it to me to paint?
Ishmael1010 said:
Also, why are you selling that DMG when you could just ship it to me to paint?

Only because I took out the AC adapter port to make room for the overclock switch and such. I would just prefer getting a stock one to use, and don't mind shelling out the cash for it :P

EDIT: Sly PM'd