First GameCube Portable complete!

Hi, I would like to thank this entire community, this couldn't have been done with out what you guys have done and continue to do. I started this project back last year in march, I began research and slowly gathered parts. By June I had fried my first Gamecube and had a zn-40 case ready for installing parts. I did not enjoy how the case looked and felt it lacked originality. So I scraped the case and began looking into vac forming. Towards the end of the summer I had 2 halves and was ready to start cutting holes in it. Then school started, and I had difficulty getting the time to work on it. I finally finished it tonight and I couldn't be more happy with it. The bad looking analog stick was due to last minute changes in case design, 3ds sticks just don't cut it for me. I hadn't created a worklog thread becuase I made one in real life instead. The resources you guys have here are just to great and thanks to all of you. This is just the first, I will create more portables and other worthy projects. Best feeling ever to have this done. :awesome:


This project has opened my eyes to a world I have never seen before. It is a beautiful world.
Everything is crazy, still kinda neat to see something totally off key every one in awhile. Looking forward to seeing what you can do.

Thanks, ShockSlayer. When I first tore apart my gamecube and had the idea to make it portable I went online and then saw your gamecube portable 2. That really inspired me to do make one.
It's a nice looking first portable. Think it turned out just fine. As long as you like it that is all that matters.
Congrats on finishing it! Pretty hard to tackle a GameCube as your first mod, but it's great you completed it :lol: