Thought id give a quick uppdate , no pictures though
Ordered a PSone screen £13
Bought a third party contrloller for £3
Bought Golden Eye for £2
So far I am half way through relocating the cart slot. Free unless time has a price.
And all just today!
Next thing the case. Any ideas where I can order a cheap one, I do not want to build or frankencase my own one. Im from uk btw.
Thanks for the reply Nintendot but i personally do not like using a console case, dunno why just personal prefrence i guess...though some do look amazing.
The psone case only needs some bondo to fill in the crevices, and it looks good. If you use li-ion batteries, you should be able to cram everything in there with some small heat sinks.
I think it's been found a challenge to fit it all in a normal psone case. Remember the guy on BH who tried a while ago and ended up with a 2" thick beast? I'm sure modder doesn't want that.