Final day here except for MRCT.

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Frequent Poster
I am sick of 4 individual assholes on here that can not be nice or positive for 1 post.
Some of the members on here have issues with authority and respect of others.
You judge by one trait.
You hate all that are better at something than you
You are always jealous.

I have to deal with an issue of my own which many of you make worse.

Do not bother asking what because if you deserve to know you know/will know.

I love many of the members on here.

Sorry for all the troubles from the trading/selling/commissioning side.
But for the few people who believe that is The deciding factor on how to treat a member well you win I am gone.

I will be in the chat for today and that is it.

Email me if you must.

Give me one good reason why I should stay.


over and out.

I don't know. Don't you love me? :cry4:

Where did that come from? :confused:

I'm going to miss you Bo. :(

You still be BoMyBroFoSho.
Better question, based on mysterious behavior vs. problems with shipping etc, why should we ask you to stay?

You've been a cool guy and all, but this past two weeks haven't been your best. Granted, you have "something" going on in real life that's keeping you down, but I don't care. seeing as how you're not divulging what that is. This is the Internet. Serious the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up or GTFO.
I'm assuming this is directed at me, since you rage quit while I was busy telling you to be professional.
Well, it's still gonna suck not having you here.
Well, Bo, we've had our conflicts in the past, but overall, you were pretty cool.

I hope whatever is wrong gets resolved, and that the path before you treats you well.

J.D said:
I'm assuming this is directed at me, since you rage quit while I was busy telling you to be professional.
Well, it's still gonna suck not having you here.
Not you.
Kyle, SS, and I discussed
Kyle talked me into staying.

short story long....whoops flip that around.

I am staying as long as I can handle everything else.
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