Facebook trying to buy opera or make its own browser.


No no no no no no no no no.

No. :wtf:

Facebook don't you *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing dare mess with the best least flaxty browser.
Sorry! You have ran out of internet play coins. You can either buy 5 more for 50 bucks or wait five hours to continue using this browser.
What would this even accomplish besides keeping the ignorant, brainwashed Americans from using Chrome?

Also, Yahoo launching a browser makes me laugh. As if people still use Yahoo anymore.
I use it, like bud said. I mostly use Chrome now, but I still like Opera because it's lightweight and fast and has a clean interface, as well as being more stable than Firefox. The mobile version's good, too, and it's more compatible with stuff than my phone's built-in browser.

Regardless of whether I use it or not, though, I hate seeing yet another internet monopoly forming and eating whatever it can. THAT is mostly why I hate this.
Twilight Wolf said:
I use it, like bud said. I mostly use Chrome now, but I still like Opera because it's lightweight and fast and has a clean interface, as well as being more stable than Firefox. The mobile version's good, too, and it's more compatible with stuff than my phone's built-in browser.

Regardless of whether I use it or not, though, I hate seeing yet another internet monopoly forming and eating whatever it can. THAT is mostly why I hate this.
Yeah, but I thought Chrome crashed the two times you used it and then it never got better.
Chrome has the worst download manager, I dont even.

I tried opera, it has *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ing awesome scrolling. Looks good too. Acceptable download manager. I tried chrome, looks streamlined, flaxty download manager.

If you cant properly manage your downloads, I'm not going to ever use you.
I can handle the 4 second launch of firefox, I wasn't indoctrinated by fast food companies.
Mako321 said:
Good enough for me, at least.
Agreed, I've never found anything to dislike about Chrome's download manager. However, this could just be one of those things that you don't realize until you use something better.
vskid3 said:
Mako321 said:
Good enough for me, at least.
Agreed, I've never found anything to dislike about Chrome's download manager. However, this could just be one of those things that you don't realize until you use something better.