eStarland - Avoid Like the Plague?


Frequent Poster
eStarland, for those who don't know, is an online New and Used Video Game Retailer.

They both buy and sell new and used games, consoles, and accessories.
They even have a cool trade-in program with which you can send in your old crap to pay off an order!
Pretty sweet.

Well, I've used 'em, many times in fact, always been great, always a pleasure.
Then, for a while, I, uh, didn't.
In fact, almost an entire year passed where I didn't use eStarland.

And then I did again, about 3 months ago.
I ordered a rechargeable battery pack for the GBA.
Cheap, useful, etc.
Well, I get my order, and uh, it's not a rechargeable battery pack...
It's just a dummy A/C adapter, for the GBA. (The GBA had no Auxilary power capabilities by default, unlike it's older SUPERIOR cousin, the Gameboy Color)
Well, I figured, hey, just a mistake, they look similar after all.
Sent it back.
They never acknowledged it...

Well isn't that odd?
Weeks, they don't acknowledge they've received it.
I call 'em up, "Hey what's the deal?", and we get it sorted out.
They never told me why they never acknowledged it being returned.

And I lose contact.
Nothing happens.
No calls, no emails, and certainly no packages.
I wait.
And Wait.
Call, no help.
Online chat, no help.
Email, doesn't even go through.

Yesterday I got a package in the mail.
A Gameboy Color battery pack.

eStarland in the past has always been great, even on the rare occasion I had to call 'em up for support.
But they seem to have become, eh, lazy, you could say.
I still haven't gotten any responses to my questions, and even today put me on hold then HUNG UP ON ME while asking about this order.

At least the GBC Battery Pack will be usable...
Well as of a couple years ago, they eliminated all of their brick-and-mortar locations except for their warehouse.