Do It Yourself GAMEBOY Flash Cartridge - Custom Electronics

There's not very much I can say about it really, I laid out the concept.

Do you understand what a CPLD is? FPGA?
Somewhat. From what I understand, an FPGA would work better if you're going to be using more than one ROM in a flash cart, as it allows for configuration upon start up. It also seems that an FPGA would be the better choice because it has a broader range of function. Am I hitting it pretty well?

EDIT: And you could program the FPGA to emulate a MBC5 chip, but the FPGA would have more storage capacity. Right?
This is interesting. I do some electronics, but the most complicated I've gotten into is an Arduino, and I haven't touched it in months.
is there any reason whatsoever it wouldn't work with a gameboy pocket? probably a horrendous question, but be patient with me, this is my first brush with programming: could i use a usb input? if so how would i go about this?
1) Virtually all Gameboy Flashcarts will function in the Gameboy Pocket, and Gameboy Color.

2) Yes, you could. You'd need a Microcontroller, with on-board USB capability, OR a Microcontroller + FT232 Chip. The Microcontroller would have to have a program running that receives data over USB and flashes it to the FRAM/Flash Chip/EEPROM.
Re: Do It Yourself GAMEBOY Flash Cartridge - Custom Electron

The thing with diy flash carts is that they're costly. It's actually cheaper to buy a readily made usb flash cart than buying parts to make one yourself and coding the software - I know, cause I tried ;p