DMG moddafication


Hey guys!! I'm new and this will be my first project log. I'm so excited!!!!! I will be hacking a DMG! :D

But I still need the DMG so pictures will have to wait until then!!

Well after talkin to a ouple members, aparently
I was supposed to wait to have pictures before starting this. I will get pictures soon!!!!
budnespid said:
Sooooooooooooo..........what are you doing to it?

I dont no yet!! haha i love the smilley faces on this sight

i think im going to cut holes in the case. i really want to turn it into a controller that i could plug int my tv or something.
Ishmael1010 said: this like a worklog? Or an announcement? Kind of a waste of a click for me. :wtf:

i think this is ganna be like my worklog. i called it a projectlog but worklog does sound bettr. i will put up pictares of the col mods that i do with the dmg. i am a noob though but it get better!
i dont understand that post but okay.

Oh a little update. I ordered a DMG case from one of Joeyjoey and will have it soon! then i can start modding :D
Beans said:
Hey guys!! I'm new and this will be my first project log. I'm so excited!!!!! I will be hacking a DMG! :D

But I still need the DMG so pictures will have to wait until then!!

Well after talkin to a ouple members, aparently
I was supposed to wait to have pictures before starting this. I will get pictures soon!!!!
Leave for a year, let your balls drop, come back, don't talk like a newfag, mod your dmg, ???, profit.
Case came! Oh i think its funy that all the people that have makes fun of me have just as low karma as mine XD

so i kno eveybody watns pictures:


but i was trying to get out the metal battary things but i ended up cutting up the plastic the wrong way. now i just cut out all of the battery part with my cutters because it was messed up. b i kinda got carried away with the cutteers XD

Beans said:
Case came! Oh i think its funny that all the people that have makes fun of me have just as low karma as mine XD

so i know everybody wants pictures:


but i was trying to get out the metal battery things but i ended up cutting up the plastic the wrong way. now i just cut out all of the battery part with my cutters because it was messed up. b i kinda got carried away with the cutters XD


fixed. spell check, use it.

Also, Karma means nothing.
So, why didn't you just pull out the battery contacts?

Ya know, just, pull them out.
Without cutting anything.
Or ruining anything.
Jlee, after reading all of his attempted English, do you even have to ask that question?
just so you know, karma means nothing. And also everybody here knows what a dmg case looks like, so posting pictures of it is a waste of space. Also, you could try backlighting it; it's a fairly simple mod.
yeh its borken so i gotta get a new one. sorry for not upldating much i was grounded. so i found this emulator kid at my school thats good with modds and coding stuff so im ganna wait for him to help me with this DMG modd. but dont worry ill show progress as soon as i can