I've looked before, and just scoured for an hour on the interwebs, but can't find any. The radioshack iron tips work fine with my iron, but I want something with a finer tip so I can start some SMD soldering.
In case someone else uses the same iron as I do, I've got a Weller WSB25HK. It's served me well over this past year in modding, but I just can't find any good tips for it.
EDIT: Yah, see title. Can anyone suggest an iron with small tips for ~$50? I'm a cheapskate, which is why I'm stuck with an arts and crafts iron.
In case someone else uses the same iron as I do, I've got a Weller WSB25HK. It's served me well over this past year in modding, but I just can't find any good tips for it.
EDIT: Yah, see title. Can anyone suggest an iron with small tips for ~$50? I'm a cheapskate, which is why I'm stuck with an arts and crafts iron.