Dark PS2 (PS2 Handheld) Finished!


Okay, so after a few months, I'm finally complete with my PS2 handheld! Its not fully portable, but its my first project and I'm happy with how it has turned out! There is no internal battery, it is all running off of the Slim's original wall plug.
Basic Parts:
SCPH-79001 motherboard
4.3" LCD eBay screen
Gamestop $10 wired controller - I pursuade EVERYONE to use this for portables. Cheap, easy to solder onto, AND If anyone wants the schematics, let me know!!!!
-I have tried over 4 different controller revisions, and this one is 100000x easier to use than any other ones, especially because of having no membrane.
ZN-45 Case
A Bunch of radioshack buttons and wires
Custom decals from RedBubble. I don't really like some of them so I'm probably going to take a few of them off and go with transparent decals somewhere else.
NOTE: I did NOT use an audio amp or headphone adapter. I decided: why would I use it when I'm deaf anyways? It would be extremely pointless for me to implement it, especially because I'm planning on keeping this portable for myself.

I know the paint job is FAR from perfect, but it looks a lot better in person than in the pictures.

I just want to give a quick thanks to everybody who helped me out, supported my thread on MBB, and enjoy the pictures and videos!





Video just turning it on, showing a little bit on it.

Just demonstrating the buttons working with GTA SA.
SS ill admit, I was skeptical at first, putting the case backwards, but I do like it a lot!

And drakon, does that mean you like it? Lol

Looks like prog likes it!

^ this was the first thought that jumped into my head when I saw the new thread. Great job actually completing a PS2 portable. They are quite rare among portablizers, so good work. Are you planning on making another one?
Nice work, especially for a first timer! You should definitely do another, I think it will be even better.
pnxbwood said:
SS ill admit, I was skeptical at first, putting the case backwards, but I do like it a lot!

I remember back when I used to order cases and measure later, I'd always spend like an hour rotating cases in my hands to see which way felt best, that's why I have like 3 different N64ps in the stock case with different layouts. I'm always down for a new twist on an old case, and anything that isn't another N64p is good flax in my book.

Thanks everybody!

Tchay and prog, I'm thinking of definitely starting on another sometime within the next year or so. I learned so much about what I did wrong and what could be better. I'm thinking of making a GameCube next. After that ill prob go back to ps2 rev 2. I already have a concept for it that I'm working on.

SS I never owned a n64 to be honest. Unless I magically come up with like 200 bucks for games and the console, I may never make one. But again, I am seriously interested in making a GameCube handheld next. Which revision is best to use btw?

And I'm thinking of setting up my work log in this forum next time instead of MBB.
Looks like a great first project, bwood. I would recommend putting in more time sanding in your future projects, however. As tedious as it can be, it gives the final project a much cleaner, more professional appearance.
I wouldn't say I love it personally, I do like it though, I think it's a good start. It's your first right?

The button placement looks a little uncomfortable to me, I prefer buttons at the top but only you know if it isn't.

Could use a bit more sanding round the screen and buttons to look more flush, those radioshack red button things look a little uncomfortable too.

Still, it's a good effort, looking forward to seeing what you do next.
Grossaffe I definitely know I have to sand a lot better. This project was more of a prototype for me. It was a total learning experience and completely new to me. I definitely know how I will make it next time.

Kickback, thank you for the feedback. Honestly, I'm a total nub when it comes to portablizing, so I'll take whatever feedback I can get. I'm more of a programmer than a portable engineer haha. The placement is comfortable, but the buttons towards the top would be much better for my next revision. I didn't put a lot of emphasis on the case sanding, and I definitely should have.

Again, I sincerely appreciate everyone's feedback. The next project I make will definitely have a lot more emphasis on the physical appearance.
Really if you had just found some switches that didn't stick out so much this would look way better, otherwise it looks fine to me.