Custom Gamecube Regulator!! Wiikey Fusion/WODE compatible!!!

Re: Custom Gamecube Regulator!! Wiikey Fusion/WODE compatibl

How many multimeters have you tried this with? It could be the meter's leads aren't making the best contact with the resistor legs.
Re: Custom Gamecube Regulator!! Wiikey Fusion/WODE compatibl

the regulators legs weren't pushed all the way through the breadboard on one of them, and it wasn't enough contact. just moved the resistor leg to the upside of the board :)
Thanks for this guide Loc
Re: Custom Gamecube Regulator!! Wiikey Fusion/WODE compatibl

It should be noted that the 08080W (I was using WAD) are very sensitive.

I got into the habit of cleaning all my solder points with isopropyl alcohol, and this killed 3 of them regulators. They were outputting the correct voltage until i sprayed them (I did let them dry of course). I have always used the stuff on electronics, the PC shop I used to work for used it to spray directly on PC motherboards to clean RAM slots etc, just helps get rid of the greasy flux.

Anyway, where I get them from upped the price of the WADS by nearly double, but they're WAZ ones are now cheaper... so i got new WAZ's on the way. NO ALCOHOL this time.

It did end up sending a full 12v down the 5v line because of this, so I'm lucky the GC mobo is still fine... had I sent it down 3.3 or 1.9 goodbye board I'd say. The 08060 didn't mind a shower ;)

Reg board was messy anyway, I'll make this one neat with single resistors on each :)
Re: Custom Gamecube Regulator!! Wiikey Fusion/WODE compatibl

I just got my cube working with sound and volume control, crystal clear, no 12v rail. In fact I haven't got any voltage running that part of the motherboard/ the audio amp at all.

This means the cube could run off 4-5v ??
Re: Custom Gamecube Regulator!! Wiikey Fusion/WODE compatibl

The only thing that keeps the cube from running off of 3.3v is the minimum 5v input for the audio line.
Re: Custom Gamecube Regulator!! Wiikey Fusion/WODE compatibl

Can anyone repost the 1.7v regulator diagram?