Commission for Gamma344

Thanks, ashen, but the way I've got everything layed out in the case, only a rev6-9 would fit. Major bummer.
The highest revs are the best. Anyone that says they're flaky don't know what they're talking about.
bud said:
The highest revs are the best. Anyone that says they're flaky don't know what they're talking about.
True, but not. Rev 9's break if you look at them wrong, but so do rev 3's (not as bad as 9, though). Rev 4 is the best 2-RAM version, and rev 6/7 rule the unichips.
My absolute favorite rev is 8-1. Personally, rev3s have withstood the most abuse, but you can't make them as small as a 5-9. Theoretically I could, but I can't be arsed to. If you break rev9s by just looking at them, you probably shouldn't be making portables. Boards don't fry themselves, so when one stops working it's user error, whether you like it or not.

The reason why 8-1 is my favorite is because they're easily recognized and can be made ridiculously small. All funtastic units I've opened have been that rev, so if I want to make sure I get a high rev I just pick up a cheap funtastic unit.

Take my word for it when I say the highest revs DO NOT break easily, it kinda sorta what I do :wink:
Recall, bud, that from mid 2007-2010, all I did was play around with N64's. I've owned AT LEAST one of every rev, and had at least 3 rev 9's. They do break from user error, yes. That said, I don't think 3.31v on the 3.30v line could fry a rev 4. :P

(Yes, that did happen. 3rd N64, rev 9, 3.31v measured, stable source, fried the board.)
Yeah, that doesn't mean anything to me. You've owned at least one of every rev? I've owned SEVERAL. You know what I did with those? I hacked them up and sold them. You've accomplished what again? You know what I've learned along the way? NOTHING fries easily as long as you know what you're doing.

I don't think I've ever fried one by crossing voltages or goofing on the 3.3v line. Those are just silly mistakes to make. Mostly what happens is I try something I've never attempted before (like removing the controller smd components) or I accidentally rip a trace and I don't feel like repairing it. So I go out and grab another one and put the first one aside until I'm desperate, or I feel like fixing it up.

I can't say how many n64s I've owned. I've lost count. I do know, however, that it is a ludicrous amount.
I have owned and fried more n64's than both of ya'll Jolly African Americans. If this turns into an e-dick competition, rest assured my virtual-penis is long enough to cyber-cockslap both of you in one shake. :stare:

The newer rev's are more finicky when it comes to voltages on the 3.3v line, and I would argue that because they use cheaper components they are less tolerant to the circuit chopping dumb *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ery we expose them to and thus are easier to fry. That said, they are made with newer components, so they have that advantage over their aged predecessors, caps are less likely to be on the rag, etc.
They also have the disadvantage of one ramchip(so you need an expansion pack,) but the advantage of being somewhat smaller. Older revs get the ramswap.

At the same time, if you are a badass mother*Can'tSayThisOnTV*er boss Jolly African American, things don't fry as easily, unless you do something stupid(and we all do at times) or something stupid just plain happens. Any amount of being careful can save you a load of money and pain and frustration and "daddy had a bad day at work" moments.

Then again, what would I know? I just know that regardless of my opinions I'd accept marshall law without question, and I'm not talking about the military.

bud said:
Yeah, that doesn't mean anything to me. You've owned at least one of every rev? I've owned SEVERAL. You know what I did with those? I hacked them up and sold them. You've accomplished what again? You know what I've learned along the way? NOTHING fries easily as long as you know what you're doing.

I don't think I've ever fried one by crossing voltages or goofing on the 3.3v line. Those are just silly mistakes to make. Mostly what happens is I try something I've never attempted before (like removing the controller smd components) or I accidentally rip a trace and I don't feel like repairing it. So I go out and grab another one and put the first one aside until I'm desperate, or I feel like fixing it up.

I can't say how many n64s I've owned. I've lost count. I do know, however, that it is a ludicrous amount.
Accomplishments? 2.5 N64p's, 1 case+wiring commission, 1 fancy-lookin' modded 360, PSp that lasted a day (gutted for said .5 N64p), frontlit GBC, backlit GBP, PS2p in progress, lots of misc. electronics projects, 3.89 GPA as of sophomore year, 34 ACT, enrollment in upcoming 8-week stanford summer classes 2012, 2 years of FIRST robotics doing robot design, and (now) a full ground-up drag car build.

Also, At least one means at the very least, as in I only ever had 1 rev 5 and 1 rev 7. I've had at least 3 of everything else. I counted- 24 N64's to date (I KNOW YOU HAD MORE BEFORE YOU SAY SO), 14 of which are still in pieces in my garage. I've fried 3, and 2 were rev. 9's. The 3rd was my first try at age 12 so...

I was speaking strictly of modding accomplishments, but all of that other stuff is pretty legit. We're cool, but you should realize that I've got the n64 on lock. To further this claim I just made a rev4 as small as the higher revs. So now I guess it really doesn't matter which revision I get my hands on. I can make them all tiny now :P

With that said, there really isn't much left to do on this portable once I get the new motherboard finished.
See, penises aren't so bad, you just have to stop comparing them and start rubbing them together.
