Coming soon: gamecube portable

LOCtronics said:
That is tiny :mrgreen:

Only thing I don't like about it is the control placement and the use of original gamecube sized buttons. Loses it's appeal for me.

But other than than making a portable in a day that looks that clean is definitly worth a praise :tophat:
What buttons would you use to make it look more appealing? I prefer the original gc buttons because i think they look good and i can easily do combos with all the buttons.

I actually have some extra room in there, in my next one i make, i could probably make the case 5mm thinner easily.
gman said:
LOCtronics said:
That is tiny :mrgreen:

Only thing I don't like about it is the control placement and the use of original gamecube sized buttons. Loses it's appeal for me.

But other than than making a portable in a day that looks that clean is definitly worth a praise :tophat:
What buttons would you use to make it look more appealing? I prefer the original gc buttons because i think they look good and i can easily do combos with all the buttons.

I actually have some extra room in there, in my next one i make, i could probably make the case 5mm thinner easily.

I use mini "original look" buttons. However they are only available from a specific controller. Otherwise I would use ds buttons like Ashen does with the 3ds sliders and a ds dpad it would make it match with nintendo's original look.

The placement of the action buttons are not as they are meant to be. Tchay also does this. I don't like that the are turned 90 degrees. But it's not such a big deal really. I'm into the stock look. Since de dpad is no dpad and the analog stick and c stick are not in the same position horizontally and in height compared to the top and bottom I get anal about it :P

But yeah that's just cause I want it to have original look. Also the 3ds sliders I dislike. LOL allot of controller disliking going on here.... :P

Still fantastic work getting it together in such a short time.
But 3ds sluders work so well especially with rdc's new microchip. I guess its mostly just preference.
gman said:
But 3ds sluders work so well especially with rdc's new microchip. I guess its mostly just preference.

Exactly just my preference :wink: The 3ds sliders do work nice though I agree.
I replaced the 7mm heatsink for a 12mm one i cut up today since i have some extra room in there. I played resident evil 4 just now for an hour, i think i got to chapter 2 or 3? I opened it up and the heatsink was hot but i could still touch it for as long as i wanted without burning myself. The batteries are warm but i dont think there is a problem there. I really dont know how hot a normal gc should get.

Also, i noticed that moving the c stick left doesnt do anything anymore. I think I might have gotten some superglue inside of it when I was putting the analog cap on. I'll just replace it.
Okay, so the audio has a high pitch humming in the background. I'm using shielded audio wires and the filtering cap is relocated. How can I fix this?
Sheild or duct tape your regualtors. They interfere with audio. Or get the farther away from the audio line.

Wrong info. Read my next post.
Well moving them isnt an option cause thy are already as far away as possible which isnt far at all since this portable is so small. Why would dict tape help at all?
The caps do mess with something with audio but when covered they do it alot less. Ask Ashen. he knows alot more about it. Or just read the WL for the Gameboy Fusion. He talks about it there.

EDIT: Waiiiiitttt. I remebered what he wrote incorrectly, For some reason I could have sworn he said tape worked... I guess bad memory. My bad. Anyways, read this page for how to fix.


Again, my bad for telling you wrong.

You can also cover the regs in aluminum foil, and ground the foil.

EDIT 2: I got the covering thing in my head from Zenloc saying you can cover them with foil snd ground the foil. No tape though.
I never metioned foil. I mentioned shielding you regulators with a alluminium plate or box and soldering that to ground. Regulators tend to send allot of interference over the entire gamecube board. Luckily the video is not affected but sound is. You can use Ashen's fix by putting a 20kohn resistor on the ground line of the audio amp and a 100uf or 220uf cap. Check with Ashen to be sure.
Dangit. I was putting some shielding over some parts of the portable (th shielding was covered in tape so no shorts). I dont know what happened but it ain't working now. I was squeezing the thing shut and then it just wouldnt turn on. I'm not quite sure if its the gc or the screen but I'll find out soon. I hop its the gc because I wish to fix that up cause its a bit messy also im stocked up on gcs for a lifetime and those screens take weeks to come in the mail.
I trimmed a new omgwtf gc and I've put the regulators in a better spot so it will be easier to shield them. Can I use aluminum tape for this? It would be a whole lot easier to do that.
no aluminum tape won't do anything. You need a proper metal shield. Just like what is in the gamecube. Also it is not garuenteed that it will work for you. It depends on how good you cut your board and sanded down the sides. Also the placement of the regulators shouldn't be anywhere near the av chip.
Ill give the shielding and try the resistor on the ground too. There as far away as the tiny portable allows from the chips.
I always end up killing my gamecubes in really stupid ways. I just finished successfully wiring up the wiikey to my omgwtf board and then I went to play it so i flipped over the front of my portable to see the screen better and the wiikey, that wasnt taped down yet, shorted against the top half of the portable. The gc is no longer working. The regulators are working thankfully when i disconnect them from the gc and I'll assume the screen works. Time to trim another one :(
I got my new board working. I'll install another wiikey tomorrow. I've given up hope for making this portable look neat on the inside cause im tired from ripping two gcs in a row out of it. I'm gonna be making another one right after this one and ill make it perfect and i bought a different fan too cause I wish to make the next one cooler. The heat level doesnt worry me, but I feel like it could be better.

ShockSlayer said:
I wouldn't worry, your K/D ratio is still admired by many.

Not sure if this is a bad or a good thing...

K/D ratio = 4:7. That's not as bad as I thought it was, but I could only find 7 dead boards in my room, I bet a threw out a few.