Coming soon: gamecube portable


Well-Known Member
This is why i love the sl68 <3

I swear polycase designed this case just so its a perfect fit for a gamecube portable. Anyway, it shouldnt be too long till this is done because the top is nicely cnced.
The heatsink is dangerously close to those cells. Make sure you have a bit of clearance between and jam some cardboard or something in between the heatsink and cells. That way you're not conducting mass amounts of heat straight into the cells, which will at the very least shorten their life span.

That said, I really wanna see this happen. May the force be with you. :D
Ashen said:
The heatsink is dangerously close to those cells
You're conducting mass amounts of heat straight into the cells, which will at the very least shorten their life span.

I really wanna see this happen. :D

Me too, Ashen... me too.

I always love watching things go up in flames. :D
I don't plan on having this catch fire sorry guys. Maybe some other time. I can make the heatsink less wide for some extra room to insulate those batteries. I accidently trimmed the heatsink a bit smaller than I wanted, about 7mm. I have the extra room I think and I have plenty of heatsinks so ill cut another one if I need to. Should I put some vent holes ontop of the heatsink. Also, I have one of those asus fans externally ontop of the heatsink.
What epoxy is strong and dries fast? I'm using gorilla epoxy right now which is strong, but it takes a few hours to dry which is annoying cause i need to epoxy the wiikey ffc cable before i solder the other end up. I'm planning on making this portable entirely in 1 day just like my n64p to see if it can be done but i need to get an epoxy that will dry in a few minutes.
I'll have to stop by homedepot this week i guess. Loctite is a good brand imo because I like there super glue better than the gorilla super glue i have also.
It's basically done. I built it entirely this afternoon when I got home from school. So that makes it the smallest GCp with internal batteries and the quickest GCp ever built?

I just need to do a few finishing touches like put those analog caps on and insulate those batteries so they don't over heat.

I woke up at 4am today so that way I could wire up the ffc cable so the epoxy would be dry when i got home from school and then I worked on it till 6pm until i had drum lessons, then got home and finished the controller wiring so i guess it took about 7 hours? idk. I have to make one more of them so I'll time myself next time. Everything went really smoothly today. I didnt break anything or have any troubles making it which is awesome.
orangeziggy84 said:
Also, how did you do the casework, and how long did you take?
The case was cnced by downing and he did a great job designing and cutting them.

Wow that looks great. Certainly beat me in finishing a GCP, started on march 11.
Hey you know my first GCp took about 6 months to make!
That is tiny :mrgreen:

Only thing I don't like about it is the control placement and the use of original gamecube sized buttons. Loses it's appeal for me.

But other than than making a portable in a day that looks that clean is definitly worth a praise :tophat: