Chat is disabled.

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Chat will be back when it ceases to lag. I check frequently, and the lag has yet to disappear. According to Palmer hostgator hates us.

ShockSlayer said:
Chat will be back when it ceases to lag. I check frequently, and the lag has yet to disappear. According to Palmer hostgator hates us.


And he's exactly right.

Jelly, fix da chat! I beg of you and give of all my heart in this sentence.
eurddrue said:
Jelly, fix da chat! I beg of you and give of all my heart in this sentence.

To everyone who hasn't bothered to actually read anything we've all said up until this point. (Drue.)

The chat is fine.
Right now, it's lagging horribly, but there's nothing we can do about it.
It's caused by the server we're on.
We are hosted with HostGator, which, as many of you know, I hate with a fiery passion.
Our site is on the same server as over 200 other websites.
Now, admittedly, it's part of a big Holy-Freaking-God Expensive Jesus-Christ-HowManyProcessors MoreRamThanYouHaveHarddriveSpace Ungodly Rack Server.
But, it's still 200 other people.
And guess what? A chatroom like that eats processing power.
Oh, not a whole lot really.
But think about this, even if it were, say, 5%.
That's 5% from 1 of 200 people. That's a lot for 1 person, or 1 site to be using.
Chances are, due to our high usage of the chatroom, they scaled our access, and now we're allotted less CPU usage.

There is absolutely nothing we can do about it.
For now.
Switch hosts? Get on the phone and Sega?

Or maybe just enable the chat again and learn to live with the lag?
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