Characteristics of a Fried Board


If you were given a N64 board and wanted to figure out if it was still good how do you? Like just because it won't turn on doesn't mean its fried, it could be something else. But how do you for sure tell if your boards fried? Is there a large characteristic of a fried board?
scorpio93 said:
If you were given a N64 board and wanted to figure out if it was still good how do you? Like just because it won't turn on doesn't mean its fried, it could be something else. But how do you for sure tell if your boards fried? Is there a large characteristic of a fried board?

You can't really call a board "fried". The reason is, because the board consist of many components that attach to the board and can be replaced. So if some of those components are fried, then you just replace it (unless it's like a processor or something), most likely it will be a resistor, capacitor, etc that has been fried, because incorrect voltages were input into the console. To test what components are fried, you would narrow it down to what you think it is, then use a multimeter to test there voltages, and/or a continuity tester.
At some point though it becomes impossible or at least impractical to repair. Like, once it doesn't work, because N64s are dirt cheap and it's probably more effort than it's worth to fix one. Especially since one of the essential special chips might be fried. Usually, when you have the jumper pak in, cartridge in, AV and power wired correctly and it doesn't work it's fried. It could be sleeping, so wait a week or so before you junk it. I think the number one cause of N64 board death is crossing the 3.3V and 12V power lines.
I went through three on my Darth64.

I think the reasons were all related to bad 3.3v wiring.

And that darn expansion pack re-location. Aaarrgghhh
I might as well ask this here. My board is... weird. I have been able to get it to work and everything. One day it stops working im like "WTF" and I check the voltages. The A/V out from the N64 keeps decreasing from like 2.11v to 0. Then I checked the wires that you can solder together on the screen(you know, the ones it your not going to have headphones viewtopic.php?f=33&t=1236 (purple wires on screen)) and the voltage was -.o5. I'm a bit confused, help would be great! :P
EDIT: It isn't the screen that's the problem!!! Does the same thing w/o the screen.