Carlifirio's GCp Worklog

It says "Disc could not be Read Please consult instructions etc."

I have pictures of the Wiring if they are needed...

Yeah let's see them. I was sure that the wiikey shouldn't light up at boot unless pin 29 switch had been activated or your wiikey is autoboot compatible.
just incase it the wiikey held to 1.9v? if not that is why. it should be held to 1.9v and when the switch is pressed it should connect to ground
Re: Re: Carlifirio's GCp Worklog

Rohan Loomis said:
just incase it the wiikey held to 1.9v? if not that is why. it should be held to 1.9v and when the switch is pressed it should connect to ground

I don't really understand what you are trying to say. I know that I have had a wiikey that didn't need the 1.9v to ground. I used a radioshack 2 prong nc Momentary switch between 29 and ground. I would show but I took it apart to try and use something out of it for my portable and it didn't work. I'm pretty sure when I removed it I hurt it or I didn't use a good enough conductor for the connections. But either way I never had 1.9 going to pin 29 at all.
Re: Re: Carlifirio's GCp Worklog

El se refiere a q uses un switch momenariament avierto de 3 pines o mejor dicho un switch de mouse hay se encuentra casi siempre , y q uses el pin 2 y le metas 1.9v el primer pin es 29 y el tercer pin es GND, se le conose como el areglo de.SS espero averte ayudado
Ok te lo tirare si necesito algo :D/Ok I'll send you a message if I need something...

As of the pics... they're coming today, sorry for taking so long for the pics....
You will for sure want to use thinker wire for your power. The wire I use is from an old computer power supply. You may get a better connection from your wiikey if you cover the copper rings on your breakout board with more solder.
In photos 2 and 4 you have some exposed copper. If need be I can download and show you, but I would suggest checking all wires for any more exposed copper.
1. Wires are tooooo long, shorten them to less than 4 inches max!

2. Don't wire directly to the mobo if you don't need to... you can easily wire to the disc drive port.

3. Use 26 or higher gauge for the power/ground cables.
You definitely want short wires. You should check out Ashen's thread on gcf and read from 1 page to the next. They found out that there were some latency issues when the wires were too long causing freezing, that and I think black screens. My wires are maybe 3 at the most.