Buying stock?

Its not as easy as it appears. Prepare to research and/or possibly take a course and learn how to read lots of charts. If you are somewhat intelligent you should catch on quickly though. Most importantly though, you MUST have a sizable amount of money to invest to actually make good amounts of money back. Don't expect a couple hundred dollars to do the trick, you should have AT LEAST a grand, and even that might be too little depending on the investment.
No. Don't buy stocks just because you THINK they will do well. Learn to read the charts, establish the current trend, and make a prediction on the next trend. That's how stocks work. You aren't going to magically make money by just buying stock from a large company. You have a long way to go before you even think about buying stocks, let alone already start choosing the companies. Learn how the market works and how to make accurate predictions, then set up a free virtual account at an online broker with some virtual money to practice. Once you trust your own abilities in predicting trends and know when to buy/sell, THEN you can start to invest your own money. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just making sure you don't blow all your money in the market or make minimal gains by chance and then think its safe to invest large amounts. Take the time to actually learn how the market works and how you should invest, you won't regret it.