Burd64- Update- 56K FAIL


I like purpale ponies
as you may have and should have picked up from the chatroom (excludes trolls that don't go there), I'm building a n64 inside a psone case. I finally got off my lazy ass and started a worklog. So far:
Last Edited November 30, 2009

Opened new n64
did some case work
got rid of most of cd drive portion of psone case, got everything solid in there with Lepage Epoxy Steel.
Applied and sanded Bondo
flattened li-ion battery(7.4v 4500mah camcorder battery for 30 bucks)
Got Yobo controller working with my Gamecube analog stick

Fix cart slot relocation
Add rest of controls to case
Get pth08080 and/or pth08000, already have the resistor and capacitor
Finish case and close portable up
Add screen
Re: Another N64 Portable

Copier. :p Good luck getting a psone screen in there, everything's a pretty tight fit.
Re: Another N64 Portable

If I recall, I had the idea the day before you posted it. with my layout planned, it'll fit:D trust me. I have all the stuff ready, with 2 fried screens to try everything with. It'll fit. what's funny is that this is my first time and yet I'm doing pretty well (for my standards). Now I just gotta find my camera :gonk:
Re: Another N64 Portable

Doesn't really matter who thought it up first anyway, 'cause Schmelly was the first that I know of to ever use a psone case in a portable.

Does it feel good in the hands, for you? I think it feels very comfortable in the grip. The only issue I've had is a comfortable position for the shoulder buttons.
Re: Another N64 Portable

how about the psone portables like LOB's? that uses a psone case :dahroll:
Re: Another N64 Portable

I just found out, a n64 controller has the same slant as the psone :dahroll: well, I have a yobo controller, an official controller, and a psone case! guess what's gonna happen next? (btw, applied bondo and sanded. pics soon, just uploading to photobucket)
pikture, but big because I'm too lazy to resize. so I linkied it
Re: Another N64 Portable

Got my Yobo controller working with my Gamecube analog stick(take that drue)
Re: Another N64 Portable

triple post:D
I tested my n64...

IT WON'T WORK! :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :gonk: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: At this point, I'm totally depressed and my dad is trying to get me to give up on portablizing. I don't know what's wrong. Michaelthurston, when I asked for a n64, did you send me a working one?
other than from jlee, where do you people get you n64s?
Re: Another N64 Portable

Ebay and garage sales! :awesome: Mainly ebay. You want to search for bare n64 or n64 as is
Re: Another N64 Portable

Well Mako the last time I had tested that n64 is right after I soldered it directly to the board, which was about a week before we traded.

So it probably would have been a good idea to test it before you did stoof to it :sweat:
Re: Another N64 Portable

1. you might have killed it while packaging it, or in the mail while it was shipping you may have killed it due to the only thing packaging it being some tissue paper :gonk: (don't worry about it though)

update on my n64
I got some controls working. I'm using a 3rd party controller 'cause of the gamecube joystick(which is awesome) and am using an official nintendo one for the rest(thanks to michaelthurston for that controller :dah: ) so it's all soldered up, the next thing I'm doing is fitting the controls into the case.(n64 comes next, then screen last 'cause I don't want to *Can'tSayThisOnTV* up mah psone screen)
'nuther update here(shoulda posted it before but whatever)
got another n64, rev 4 mobo RGB MODDABLE yay! so I'm back and ready to solder:awesome: I'm still gonna use my other rev 5 first though :lol: I just need an extra.
Re: Another N64 Portable

I now know why my n64 didn't work.....

MICHAELTHURSTON BRIDGED THE 3.3V AND 12V LINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :gonk: :gonk: :cry4: :cry4: :cry4: :evil2: :evil2: :evil2: :evil2:
You owe me a new n64!(I didn't touch the power area throughout my adventures, only the controller port and 7805 regulator)
Re: Another N64 Portable



Stfu. :wtf:

I bridged the 3.3 and 12v lines on one of my n64s yesterday, Nothing happened other than it went into sleep mofe for 5 minutes.

Oh, and the DS you gave me is non functioning as well. Do you see me complaining? I actually put $50 into that thing to find out the touch screen connector was broken off.
Re: Another N64 Portable

that should only happen if you didn't bypass all that stuff, but more than 4 volts into the cpu causes THE N64 CPU TO BE FRIEDED!
Re: Another N64 Portable

kay, finally getting around to using one of my 2 other n64 motherboards, I think I'm just gonna tilt the cart slot 90 degreees, making the cartridge stick up from the n64.(like the moonlight 64 or nintendo superboy, but mainly like the superboy)