as you may have and should have picked up from the chatroom (excludes trolls that don't go there), I'm building a n64 inside a psone case. I finally got off my lazy ass and started a worklog. So far:
Last Edited November 30, 2009
Opened new n64
did some case work
got rid of most of cd drive portion of psone case, got everything solid in there with Lepage Epoxy Steel.
Applied and sanded Bondo
flattened li-ion battery(7.4v 4500mah camcorder battery for 30 bucks)
Got Yobo controller working with my Gamecube analog stick
Fix cart slot relocation
Add rest of controls to case
Get pth08080 and/or pth08000, already have the resistor and capacitor
Finish case and close portable up
Add screen
as you may have and should have picked up from the chatroom (excludes trolls that don't go there), I'm building a n64 inside a psone case. I finally got off my lazy ass and started a worklog. So far:
Last Edited November 30, 2009
Opened new n64
did some case work
got rid of most of cd drive portion of psone case, got everything solid in there with Lepage Epoxy Steel.
Applied and sanded Bondo
flattened li-ion battery(7.4v 4500mah camcorder battery for 30 bucks)
Got Yobo controller working with my Gamecube analog stick
Fix cart slot relocation
Add rest of controls to case
Get pth08080 and/or pth08000, already have the resistor and capacitor
Finish case and close portable up
Add screen