Building a digital switch?


Frequent Poster
I don't know what to call it exactly, but I want to build a small circuit that reads when a button is pressed. If the button is pressed once, bridge two connections "like a switch." If the button is pressed again, break the connection. Is this feasible? If it can be done, can someone post link/schematic? Thanks.
You can do something similar with microcontrollers such as arduino, but I think that there was a product designed specifically to do this (for a power switch, a single-use tac switch to control a lot more) that was posted on these forums a while ago... I'll look into it and see if I can't find out what it was.

And yeah, thats easy to do with a microcontroller. However, I can't fit an Arduino into a decent portable, and nor would I want to.
You could use an Attiny... 8-dip, got room for that? :p

Anyway, there's this:


Not what I was looking for, but a start. There was something like this, but it was a commercial product, you could switch 4 individual slots by pressing one tac-switch, it looked all fancy... I can't find it. Sorry. I'm pretty sure it was posted on these forums, but it may have also been benheck or (heaven forbid) moddedbybacteria.
WOW! The circuit looks great. I'm definitely wiring that up tomorrow. If it works, i'll post pics.

THANKS! :lol:
Gyroninja said:
Whats wronb with modded by bacteria
The fat Playstation who runs it, that's the problem :p but let's not delve into this, you wouldn't understand because you're not an oldfag, and you are a retarded noob who wouldn't understand anyway.
Perhaps if he could act slightly more intelligent/not 13, and maybe learn to type, I would give my full respect to him :p