Bud's pocket sized PMP


Toasts tissue box PMP reminded me of how much I wanted to make one of my own. I've bought all of the parts and as soon as they arrive I can get started. It's more than likely that I can finish this in a day. :cool:

4.3 inch screen
NBox media player
4000mah batteries or 4700mah batteries (whichever I have space for)
Stereo audio with tact switches for volume control
A kickstand so I can stand it up on a table and watch movies

Case will either be navy blue or stark white. Possibly both. Top half white bottom blue? That should look cool. I might end up striping it somehow.

Thoughts? Opinions? U Jelly? :awesome:

This is technically a portable right? :P
vskid3 said:
Sounds like a PSP. :trollface:
In actuality this sounds far better by comparison. Allow me to list the ways.
My build quality is epic. Sony's is not.
I can fix my own stuff without voiding my warranty.
My speakers will actually sound good.
I don't have to pay for my movies.
My PMP will impress IRL people. A PSP will not.
I don't have to carry around UMDs.
My PMP won't be able to play games though. But who wants to play PSP games anyway? :trollface:
Sounds impractical compared to a commercial device and possible more expensive as well.

I say go for it.
Got my NBox today. I really like it. Everything is so simple about it, including the board.

The only part I need now is the case and then I can get started.
Finally got my case. I cut the screen hole today. I think I did a pretty good job for my first :D

There. Done. Finished within 24 hours. Sadly the CHEAP *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING CHINESE MEDIA PLAYER quit for NO APPARENT REASON. I did get to watch pulp fiction on it before it died though. It was cool for the 3 hours that it lived.
I have one of those media player thingies also. It's pretty much the Nbox with a different color case and a different label. lemme know if you're interested.