Best way to learn basic electronic engineering?


Hey there guys, I've had a lot of fun doing Gameboy mods and such but all of that stuff is pretty simple and well documented. I was looking at doing an SVIDEO mod for my Genesis Model 1 as shown here: Well thats all well and good until it gets to the schematic, which I can't really read and quite intimidating. Is there a good online resource for learning the absolute basics?

Thanks duders.
Well, of course I could go ahead and google it and in fact, I have. But I was wondering what you guys did to learn the stuff, see if there is a preferred site or a nice online resource I don't know about, but hey... Feel free to not respond if you want to use the snarky LMGTFY response.
Uhm, how can I restate that response?

"I just looked it up, it wasn't hard, google is easier to use than a library."

How's that?

You read a site, if it doesn't help you, you find another...

If you were able to find that mod, you should be able to find how to read schematics.