
Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Im trying to wire up my PS1 screen to 12 volts, but first I need to bring 12V down to 7.5V. What is the best, cheapest, and most efficient Voltage Reg?
Also a little preview of my GCP.
The cheapest possible way would be to use a 7808 linear regulator, but the most efficient would be a switching regulator from TI.
I am using 7.4V batteries, but I don't know where to wire the screen to though,so I was just gonna wire it to the 12V with a reg.
Depending on what batteries you are using, the max voltage can vary. Li-ion/polymer 7.4v packs fully charged voltage is close to 9v. Which will kill a PSOne screen. You'll still need a regulator.
Many portable n64s have two 3.7v lipos, and almost all of them use the psone screen, and I've never heard of anyone needing a regulator. I thought the highest was ~8.4, which was relatively safe?
Yep, usually the protection pcb of the batteries limits the voltage to 4.2 volts per cell, charging more will damage them.