Best Story in a Video Game

I was looking at my video game collection today and thinking back on some of the awesome stories that spawned from video games. And since this site is dedicated to modding video game consoles I figured the people here must play video games to some extent, right? :P Anyways, I would like to pose the question of which is your favorite story from a video game? Which game touched you in a way nostalgia wont ever let you forget?

As for me I would consider these games,

Earthbound: My very first video game... oh the countless hours not knowing what to do in Threed. I was young. The cooky humor of this game always makes me laugh and I'm always happy to play it. Although the story is not as deep as some of the other games on this list I had to mention it. I love it :D.

Xenogears: Very deep and very confusing, when you're twelve. Now that I'm older I understand this game :P. I highly recommend it.

Chrono Trigger/Cross: These games fit so well together that I have to include them as one. For those who constantly bash Chrono Cross as being bad and "not a sequel" obviously didn't pay attention... or didn't play it. One of the best stories ever in a video game. My favorite.

Final Fantasy 7: There is a reason a million screaming fanboys fall to the floor in worship over this game. It's good. You don't start boycotting Coca-Cola because your arch enemy bought one at circle k do you? I guess I don't always have to be a non conformist. ;)

Metal Gear Solid: I'm YOU! I'm your shadow!

Suikoden 1+2 Suikoden 2 is the only game that made me cry. It was great, even greater with all the fan service cameos from the first game.

Wow... that list went on way to long, but anyways I'd like to know what everyone considers to be their favorite story lines in video game history.
I think the story in Metal Gear is contrived and silly.

Videogames shouldn't try to have serious story lines. Games like Paper Mario 64 don't have the best plot, but they have great story telling and character development. That's probably my favorite.
I'm liking the way the splinter cell series is going. First game kinda brushes the surface of same Fischer. Second one introduces you to a close friend. Third one starts to delve deeper into who he is, and at the same time brings back his friend as enemy you have to kill. 4th one gets into the raw emotion of Fischer as his daughter is killed, and then as Enrica is murdered by another splinter cell. 5th, well haven't played it yet, but it removes the government leash to show the real Sam Fischer.

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem actually had a pretty good H.P. Lovecraft inspired story.

Resident Evil seems to have an interesting story, but I've only really played RE4.
Mother 3 - Heartwarming and just plain amazing. It literally made me tear up
Majora's Mask - Great Main Storyline, but the Side Quests are the best
Indigo Prophecy - Amazing, nerve-racking story. Kinda out there at the end, though.
Mass Effect - Awesome awesome awesome
Half-Life - You all know it, no need to comment on this piece of art.
Half-Life: Opposing Force - Better than HL imo
Snatcher is a piece of Hideo Kojima genius, along with Policenauts. Metal Gear storyline begins to take the piss eventually.
Wild Arms for psone, hands down for me. Characters were believable, the story made sense (For a fantasy game anyway). It just had a rushed ending. I never cared for any of the Wild Arms games after it.

And IMO, FF7 has a legion of fan boys because of one thing: the train. It had some fun gameplay. but the story wasn't too easy to get with my first play through. On my second one, I understood it much better, but still wasn't really wowed by it at all.

^ Dont let the train comment lead you to believe it's the train in the intro I'm talking about. What I meant is jumping on the band wagon. Cause Joe likes it, so do I. I should get my other friends to like it to. And we'll all play FF7 together. :dah:
BioShock: Because after 3 years I'm still thinking about rapture. I like pretending the sequel never existed.
Chrono Trigger/Cross for the win. CT was my favorite game of all time, ever.

Also, the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney series has epic storytelling and character development, without being too serious, and managing to stay over the top fun.
DJ711 said:
BioShock: Because after 3 years I'm still thinking about rapture. I like pretending the sequel never existed.
it was awesome. the sequel? there is no sequel. never. ever. mention it. ever.

for me though, i have several.

ICO- yes. just yes.
Portal/Half Life universe games (all of em)- awesome story, funny, down and dirty, sexy.
Jak and Daxter/Jak II/Jak 3- awesome. beautiful. funny. need i say more?
Shadow Of The Colossus- Favorite game ever. the story isn't totally apparent, but after several playthroughs, and listening closely, the story is awesome, for fantasy.
Fallout/2/3- nuclear war. survival. awesome.
The Elder Scrolls Series- massive story. so much backstory and stuff its insane.
Spyro the Dragon- my first good videogame (first games were some crappy atv racing game and treasure planet for ps1) great, fun story.
samjc3 said:
DJ711 said:
BioShock: Because after 3 years I'm still thinking about rapture. I like pretending the sequel never existed.
it was awesome. the sequel? there is no sequel. never. ever. mention it. ever.

for me though, i have several.

ICO- yes. just yes.
Portal/Half Life universe games (all of em)- awesome story, funny, down and dirty, sexy.
Jak and Daxter/Jak II/Jak 3- awesome. beautiful. funny. need i say more?
Shadow Of The Colossus- Favorite game ever. the story isn't totally apparent, but after several playthroughs, and listening closely, the story is awesome, for fantasy.
Fallout/2/3- nuclear war. survival. awesome.
The Elder Scrolls Series- massive story. so much backstory and stuff its insane.
Spyro the Dragon- my first good videogame (first games were some crappy atv racing game and treasure planet for ps1) great, fun story.

Portal: Still Alive is reason enough just to play the game.
Shadow of The Colossus: Favorite game.
Assassin's Creed series: The plot is really good.
Ace Attorney series - pretending that Apollo Justice never existed, the entire series is awesome and probably has the best plot and character development of any game I've ever played. The 4th and 5th cases of the first game, the 1st and 2nd cases in the second game, all the cases in the first game except the one with the gay chef, and all the cases in AAI are my favorite cases.

LOZ Wind Waker - The story flows so nicely and naturally in this game.

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn - Almost as good as the Ace Attorney series.

Fallout 3 - Awesome setting, voice acting, and character development.

Cave Story - I can not reword what has already been said about it.
To tell you the truth, I love bioshock 2 just as much as the first. (Dang, that game is fun)(bioshock is like an rpg and fps mashed together into some kind of hybrid game)(It's like system shock 2 mixed with pokemon mixed with ecco the dolphin)
grossaffe said:
is bioshock 2 really that bad?
The drill is very useful, especially after getting the charge upgrade that lets you fly at your enemies at full speed. (And adam collecting is fun)
mako321 said:
grossaffe said:
is bioshock 2 really that bad?
The drill is very useful, especially after getting the charge upgrade that lets you fly at your enemies at full speed. (And adam collecting is fun)
Yes but the plot does no justice to the original and I waited for that game since release and bought the collectors edition.