Best solder points forPocket backlight?


Ok so I got my bright white V3 backlight in the mail not to long ago and wired it all up. It appears to be working properly, but after not much play at all it gets dim and quite flickery. I wired it up the traditional way here: but it seems to be more dim than it should be. I've found it to be exceedingly bright on wall power so I'm thinking it's not drawing enough from te batteries or something? I've heard that its possible to wire the positive lead to pin 5 near the negative lead and to VDD, and I tested those and found them to give ~17 and ~5 volts respectively. I also wired the light directly to battery terminals to no avail. I'm sure this question has been asked before but I haven't been able to find any concrete answers online. Has anyone else experienced this or know of a better wiring set up, maybe using some resistors on the afore mentioned pins? Thanks, sorry or the long post.
You can put it on the 5V pin, and use a resistor. I don't remember off-hand which resistor value, but you can play around or do the calculation for it.

Are your batteries the right voltage and aren't dead, though?
Would be nice to know what's the maximum electric current that backlight kits support :p

I would want to put a v3 kit on a pocket, but every guide is based on a DMG which has 6v.