Best Game Of All Time.

My Fav's of all time, hope I didn't leave too many out.

Nintendo Entertainment System:
Zelda 1 and 2
Maniac Mansion
Mario 1 and 3
Kirby's Adventure
Final Fantasy

Super Nintendo Entertainment System:
Super Metroid
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 4 and 6
Donkey Kong Country 1-3
Out of this World
Secret of Mana
Super Mario World
Super Mario RPG
Megaman 7
Megaman X-X3
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Nintendo 64:
Mystical Ninja
Mischief Makers
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Perfect Dark
Mission Impossible
Mario Party 1-3
Super Mario 64
Paper Mario
Conker's Bad Fur Day

Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Phantasy Star Online: Episodes 1 & 2
Resident Evil Remake
Super Mario Sunshine
Baulders Gate: Dark Alliance
Resident Evil Zero
Paper Mario 2
Soul Calibur 2

Super Mario Galaxy
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Master System:
Phantasy Star

Phantasy Star 2-4
Sonic 1-3 + Knuckles
Kid Chameleon
Street Fighter 2

Sega CD:

Sega 32x:

Sega Saturn:
Burning Rangers
Sonic R
Panzer Dragoon + Zwei + Saga
Nights into Dreams
Guardian Heroes

Sega Dreamcast:
Phantasy Star Online
Chu Chu Rocket
Space Channel 5
Jet Grind Radio
Sonic Adventure 1 + 2
Powerstone 1 + 2
Samba De Amigo
Skies of Arcadia
Resident Evil Code Veronica

Playstation 1:
Metal Gear Solid
Resident Evil 1-3
Parasite Eve 1 + 2
The Legend of Dragoon
The Legend of Mana
Chrono Cross
Breath of Fire 4
Final Fantasy 7-9
Suikoden 1+2
Vagrant Story
Megaman Legends 1+2
Jade Cocoon
Megaman X4
Megaman 8
Silent Hill
Harvest Moon

Playstation 2:
Final Fantasy X and X-2
Metal Gear Solid 2 + 3
Kingdom Hearts 1 + 2
Zone of the Enders
Silent Hill 2-4
Final Fantasy 12
Dragon Quest 8
Indigo Prophecy

Playstation 3:
Metal Gear Solid 4
Uncharted 1 + 2

Kotor 1+2

X-box 360:
Dead Rising...

Pokemon RBY
Pokemon GSC
The legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, OOA, OOS
Tetris DX

Golden Sun 1 + 2
Chain of Memories
Final Fantasy 5
Sword of Mana
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
Mario and Luigi Super star saga
Metroid Zero Mission
Metroid Fusion
Pokemon RSE

Nintendo DS:
Animal Crossing
Pokemon DPP
Mario Kart DS
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
The World Ends With You
Phantasy Star Zero
Ganbare Goemon: Toukai Douchuu Ooedo Tengurigaeshi no Maki

Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops

These are games I own that I really like.
I need to make a new list...

1. Majora's Mask - I gotta go with Harshboy on this one, Amazing Concept, Great Story, Even Better gameplay. The formula for the perfect game.
2. Oblivion - The countless hours I spent playing this game should speak for themselves.
3. Shadow Complex - A modern twist on a classic genre makes for an amazing experience.
4. Final Fantasy 3 - Great Story, Great Gameplay. Just when you thought you knew how it would end, BAM!- the world gets destroyed.
5. Earthbound - An Ambitious RPG that dared to step out of boundaries. The story and the comedy value alone make it amazing, the gameplay just adds the extra something.

1. Mother 3 - Hands down my favorite game of all time for any console. This is the only game that actually made me tear up.
2. Pokemon Crystal - My First Pokemon game. Just the nostalgia factor does it for me.
3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - This game made me want to be a lawyer. Too bad it isn't very realistic.
4. Contact - A very unknown game that flew under the radar. Great story and gameplay.
(I can't pick past 4, don't really play handhelds)

1. Diablo 2 - I have spent soooo much time playing this game. It's just amazing.
2. Cave Story - AH! I <3 Cave Story!
3. Age of Empires II - Amazing Gameplay System makes for a super-addiciting RTS like no other.
4. Starcraft - The epitome of a great classic. Only problem is the freakin Koreans. Grrrrrr....
5. Fallout 2 - Who knew post-apocalyptia could be so fun?