Before it becomes the shack, I go on little shopping spree..

What are their PIC kits going for? (Beginner microcontroller kits.) If they are killing off their electronic hobbyist inventory, these would probably be at the top of the list - they're normally something like 60-90 bucks, depending on the kit. If you're interested in electronics, those kits are a pretty good way to get into microcontrollers - they're just expensive. Normally.

See how far down their 7805's are going. If they get under a buck, snatch em up.
You guys can get PIC kits THAT EASILY?!

I think AVR is better myself, but I've never tried either one, only looked at spec sheets and looked at peoples' very mean bashing articles.
I'm an AVR user myself, but when it really comes down to it, a microcontroller kit for dirt chip would be just fine, under any name. There are a LOT of Microchip vs Atmel debate, obviously, but I can honestly say I'm on the fence - I use AVRs because it was the first micro I seriously developed with, for no other reason than it was available freely. I've not used PICs at all, in any serious manner, so I cannot offer any comparisons.

And yep, their "What is a microcontroller?" kit is something I walk by every time I go into their store, usually mumbling something along the lines of, "That would be awesome for my home collection... if it cost half as much..."
Yeah, I was just going to build my own USBtinyISP using a DAPA cable to solve the chicken and the egg problem. Problem? My usual source(s) do not have 12MHz oscillators or crystals. I could probably salvage one though...

But now we're going back to school, and I'm poor anyway.

The uC I can get. The resistors and caps I probably have. The LEDs I have. The Zener diode I can get. The headers I can get. The USB jack is unnecessary. But neither of my semi-local sources have 12MHz oscillators, and there's no way I'm going to the mess that is Digi-Key unless absolutely necessary.

In reality, I'll probably end up buying a kit out of sheer lazyness.