Bad Luck with N64s


I have been trying to build an N64 Portable for over a year now and have been having a lot of bad luck with my N64s. Every one I get lights up the led and just flashes a white line on screen, which is apparently a symptom of a fried N64. I have had this happen with 4 N64s now and 3 of them I didn't even take apart before they stopped functioning. I tried many different controllers, jumper/expansion paks and games. However the one thing I could not test was the power supply as I only had one. I checked the voltages coming from the power supply and found that it is only outputting 7.2v on the 12v line and when plugged into the N64 it outputs 10.2v?

Any help would be appreciated, if not could someone tell me if the N64 power supply is doing the right thing.
Get another power supply.

Seriously, the best way to check stuff is to test it.
ProgMetalMan said:
How much is going on the 3.3V line?
This. 12v line goes to a 7805, so as long as its 7-20v, it'll work. The 3.3v line is much more picky. Make sure the N64 is running when you check the voltage, without a load the voltage can look crazy. Also, check out this thread, specifically step 3.

However, with that track record, I would just get a new power supply. (unless step 3 fixes them)
Thanks for all these replies they where all very helpful. I tested the 12v line while it was on and it was outputting 10.2v so that must be fine. The 3.3v line however was outputting 3.4v so ill assume that is the culprit. I will also read through the thread vskid3 posted thanks :P
Dang. Well I will have a look and get as close to 3.3v as I can with what voltage regulators I have. Also referring to how the 7-20v goes to a 7805 can the 7805 be bypassed and 5v applied to save space on the board potentially reducing the total surface area of the board.