Backlight Gameboys ($15), plus a DS and GBA flashcarts

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Yes its Sonyportablizer and im back, that whole fiasco has been cleared up. Ask ShockSlayer

Basically our house may be foreclosed on so I need this stuff gone fast, its at the lowest price im willing to go so no haggling or trades and I will ship ASAP.

Photo heavy with big photos, dont care enough about a time consuming thing like that right now. They all work too

Tack $5 onto each price for the small flat rate box shipping cost from FedEx.

There are no returns they are all as is, once I get the cash its going towards things like our mortgage.

I have three backlight gameboys, $15 a pop. The backlights cost $15 online so you are pretty much paying for that and your getting a free gameboy that also comes in a fancy color (Which makes the gameboys more pricey online too)

The backlight color also corresponds to the case's color

They all turn on, play, and all their lights work. Past that I didnt check because were in a frenzy here.
I can also throw in a faster crystal (16, 20 or 24 mhz) if you want to overclock it yourself for free.

The photos of the screens suck because my camera can only do so much

Green DMG has been sold

The photo sucks, buts its still not stellar in life for my eyes at least

The GBA Flash Cart is GBFlash Generation 3 ($30)
It will play gameboy and advance games, import saves, play movies and is easy to setup and understand (Especially if I could figure it out :P)

The R4 Cart and DS lite for sale ($50 bundle or $20 and $30 respectivley)
Drag and drop games + saves (And movies if you know how) and you got everything you will ever need DS playing wise

Yeah, ShockSlayer isn't staff anymore, so I don't know how you could clear anything up with him. I wasn't made aware of this, so unless something significant came up as to why you should be allowed to sell here, it's not happening. You were banned for multiple accounts and blatant scamming of A LOT of money, so you shouldn't be allowed to even post, let alone sell stuff again.

For now I'm going to lock this thread and disable PMing features on your account. I won't ban you right now only because I want to ask ShockSlayer what exactly you told him, and that will determine the action I take after that. And if I catch you making yet another account to bypass the temporary PM block, then any chance you have is instantly thrown out the window.

As for everyone else, I highly recommend you don't buy from this guy, and if you are already in the process of buying from him I would try to get out of it as soon as possible. We're not responsible for any money he might steal from you.
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