Aux and I are now mods!

Somehow I know this won't end up well for me.
Congrats, dude, and Aux.
Oh No.

This is not good. It's just not good.

It won't do, I won't have it.

Wolborg needs to learn to spell.

It's Congratulations.
I was never good at accepting compliments and stuff so I guess I will just say thanks! I will try not to ruin everything :3
'Grats. You two deserve it!
However, don't expect me to suck any dicks (or lady dicks, depending on the situation). I will not succumb to your new found power.
ttsgeb said:
Oh No.

This is not good. It's just not good.

It won't do, I won't have it.

Wolborg needs to learn to spell.

It's Congratulations.
My bad posted from my phone.