ttsgeb said:
I understand what your saying, but can you honestly tell me you can identify these component codes in the top left corner or the first photo (or the touched up one)

you can identify these same components on the scan very easily since everything is in focus. I don't know where you got the idea I said we shouldn't ever go higher than 600dpi; I meant that if we know the resolution is 600DPI then we can figure out measurements from the scan. the same is true for 300, 900 and 1200DPI. I DID say that a 600DPI scanned document would be larger, which isn't always true, I meant it a a majority of digital SLRs are 8MP. My intention was to simply my argument, not to spread false information. But I was wrong and I admit to that..

ttsgeb said:
You were saying something about the scanner at 600DPI having more resolution?
With manual focus, I could have gotten that picture 10x better, and with a tripod, another 10x.
ttsgeb said:
Just because you don't know how to take a picture doesn't mean other people don't.
I think this is a case of saying you know better than others without proving it. "Could of" is not a valid argument. Now if you go back and do a photo that is "10x better" I will gladly concede to you if it is superior to a scanned resource of the same board. For the record higher resolution does not equal better, which is proven by the lack of focus on the first photo.

Also, I'll tell you from my photography experience in my Animation VFX course at CSU in Wagga Wagga that you should never try to "fix" a photo in post. Get the photo done properly the first time; don't try to fix sub par work. (sub par work = your out of focus photo)

ttsgeb said:
Furthermore, scale doesn't matter worth flax here, it's not like we sit here with micrometers planning where to put our trims. Seriously.
Wasn't the entire point of this thread to layer all of the board layers together in photoshop? a scanner will be more useful for that. Full stop.

This isn't about being right or wrong (at least to me) this is about finding the best way to do it. I never said it couldn't be done, I said it wan't worth the extra time to take a photo over scanning it.

Also my challenge was for a photo resource to be better than a scanned version. The scanned version is lower resolution, I'll give you that, but it is in better focus and more usable.
Scans are what we want for the compendium, anything else isn't going to be as good no matter how close anyone thinks they can get. Photos just aren't as good as scans for this purpose. You wanna argue the details? We can split your nonsense into it's own thread, but for the time being it ends here.

Okay, I do want to remind everyone, when you post a scan of your board. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post the motherboard revision. We need to start getting a good record of the revisions.

I would love for us to figure out which motherboards are best for trimming purposes. And if there is a 4 layer board, I'm curious if it is ideal. Also, has anyone purchased a wii mini? SS didn't think there was much benefit from that board, but I'm curious if it might be good for trimming (although the price might not be worth it).
I had 2 hours today and traced some dvd drive points to traces that go directly to the chip. I am not sure if the points are correct, though, so don't take this at face value.. The dvd cable is not located where it is in the diagram. This is on the bottom of the mobo.

This is on a C/RVL-CPU-01 mobo.

Edit: Here are the traces on the underside of the chip. This is on the bottom right side. Thanks to for the Wii mobo picture.

Here are some things: SD Card slot relocation from back Wifi relocation (not done) Gamecube memory card relocation Gamecube controller pinout

I don't know where the pins on the wifi go to that have the bigger vias. These are on the back.
Thanks to Shockslayer for his compendium and Loctronics for his inner mobo scans.
Also, thanks to Kasar for his diagram of gamecube wires and BlueLemming for the wii port picture.

Also, please check these. They might not be right.
They look good. I can't test them but once I get around to the Wii again I'll test them and see if they work, then add them to the compendium.


Rohan Loomis said:
i have a dead wii mobo if i could send it to one of you. All i want in return is a guide to show me where to trim. lol

Beautiful work Orangeziggy84!

Does anyone have an conclusive information about those different sections of the motherboard? I assume they are all different voltages.

Also, how many layers deep is the voltage layer? It's either 1 or 2 layers deep, but I forget.

One last question, has anyone had a chance to compare revisions? I should go see what wikipedia has to say about motherboard revisions. That will help us figure out how many layers the wii can have.
You know I wish I could help out but this guy was supposed to ship me a dead board to sand and I don't have it yet. Sent him the money over a week ago. Isn't that right @rohan loomis
I actually think I might be wrong with the bluetooth pinout. I checked it and its the 5th pin from the left, not the 4th.

edit: Actually thats wrong, I was right the first time. I still don't know know why my cut isn't working, though.
orangeziggy84 said:
Any ideas about cuts?

With this many layers, you probably have a bridging of two voltages (this would kill your board) or a bridging of a ground layer to a voltage layer.

Sometimes you really have to sand like an OCD person to get those edges as smooth as possible. Sometimes it takes a good 5-10 minutes of careful sanding before you can get the board to turn on. That or you cut off something valuable and need to relocate the broken trace :P