Ashen's Wiikey Fusion/GameCube motherboard trimming service


GameCube Révolutionary
Frustrated with wiring up that Wiikey Fusion? Can't quite get it to work right? Want your GC motherboard trimmed a little/insane amount but scared to kill your board? Look no further ladies and gents! Ashen's trimming, relocating and rewiring service can and will save the day. You supply the parts needed, cover shipping costs and I'll do all the difficult work for you for a minimal fee.

Please note: Unless it is a Commission for a full fledged portable I CANNOT SUPPLY PARTS for you, its just to much of a hassle for me. Even though it may seem it at times, I'm not a warehouse distribution center of GC parts. That being said you'll need to supply your own "Wiikey Compatible" GC motherboard (DOL-001 rev A/B with IPL 1.1 or higher) and any other parts you wish for me to wire up (memcards, SD slots, custom regs, etc.).

Basic Services:

Wiikey Fusion/WODE/Wii DVD drive: FFC soldered to, eliminating the need for a "breakout board" - $20+ Shipping

GC Motherboard trimming:
All motherboard cuts EXCEPT OMGWTF + power, audio and video relocation, DD relocation (including FFC soldering), wires run for memcards and pretty much anything else, pretty much fully re-wired - $50+ Shipping
OMGWTF cut + power, audio and video relocation, DD relocation (including FFC soldering), wires run for memcards and pretty much anything else, pretty much fully re-wired - $75+ Shipping

I'll say it once again. I really don't recommend an OMGWTF cut unless you REALLY absolutely need that space, Say for fitting the MB into a PSP sized case or similar.

Here is a recent example of my work, pictured is Wiikey Fusion/memcard/SDgecko/controller/power/audio/video relocation to an OMGWTF cut GC motherboard:


Exact pricing can be worked out in PM's which is where you should contact me should you wish to commission my service's. Other services are available upon request. I can pretty much do anything from whats mentioned above to building an entire portable.

Thanks for looking!
Re: Ashen's Wiikey Fusion/GameCube motherboard trimming serv

I'd really prefer to keep things like this in PM's if possible.
Re: Ashen's Wiikey Fusion/GameCube motherboard trimming serv

First commission all wrapped up:

Re: Ashen's Wiikey Fusion/GameCube motherboard trimming serv

When I get bored with the n64 I'll give you a job dude.
Re: Ashen's Wiikey Fusion/GameCube motherboard trimming serv

The boot from SD thing only works on DOL-101's right?
Re: Ashen's Wiikey Fusion/GameCube motherboard trimming serv

Nah, its works on most gamecubes. Only VERY early NTSC boards don't work.
Re: Ashen's Wiikey Fusion/GameCube motherboard trimming serv

Second Commission all wrapped up:


Medium cut with all the bells and whistles. Forgot to take a pic of the board when I was finished so the memcard wiring is not shown. This was about halfway through the process.
Re: Ashen's Wiikey Fusion/GameCube motherboard trimming serv

Re: Ashen's Wiikey Fusion/GameCube motherboard trimming serv

I got mine today as well. Haven't gotn around to testing it yet.
Re: Ashen's Wiikey Fusion/GameCube motherboard trimming serv

I sent you a couple PM's, but I would really like to commission you to build me one prior to my deployment to Afghan in about a month. Please let me know if you are available to do this for me and what I would need to get to have the whole thing done. Your handhelds look AWESOME!!!
Re: Ashen's Wiikey Fusion/GameCube motherboard trimming serv

Yes, I've received a flood of requests similar to yours in the past few days and its proving hard for me to find the time to get back to people. I'm incredibly busy right now with real world/life stuff and I'm sorry for the delays, but I'll get a PM/message out all who have PM'd me as soon as I can.
Re: Ashen's Wiikey Fusion/GameCube motherboard trimming serv

Updated first post, Lowered prices a bit and made some other things more clear. :D