Anyone have any experience with making a clock?


Well-Known Member
I ask because I'm looking to make a cool wall clock. My budget is ~$50 max, but I'm hoping to spend closer to $35. Feature wise, I want it to be analogue and have a pendulum. I'm wondering:

1. What's a good diameter? Assume that the pendulum will be 70-100% as long. I'm thinking between ~10-14 inches, but I don't have a clock in this house to measure for reference, so I might be way off. :P

2. What's a good material for crafting the clock out of? It needs to be paintable, smooth, and pretty cheap. Lightweight would be a plus too, obviously. I'd like this to look nice if possible. Any links to a place to purchase whatever material you recommend and some accompanying (non-spray) paint are appreciated.

3. I'm looking at something like this for the guts of the clock. Is this thing good for my purposes?

By the way, this is what I plan to base the clock off of:

Swirl is clock face, tail is pendulum. Alternatively, if anyone has a cooler idea, I'm all ears. :)

This is yet another project that I'll buy all the parts for and never finish. :/
Make a sundial. I think those are pretty cheap. :P


But seriously. I think you shouldn't try for a pendulum (if you want that poliwag as a base you'll have to really extend the tail) but instead just use a simple quartz clock mechanism found in most wall-mounted analog clocks. And wood would be just fine for a project like this. Easy to shape, easy to paint.
β, that's way too complicated for me. :P

Mario said:
Make a sundial. I think those are pretty cheap. :P

But seriously. I think you shouldn't try for a pendulum (if you want that poliwag as a base you'll have to really extend the tail) but instead just use a simple quartz clock mechanism found in most wall-mounted analog clocks. And wood would be just fine for a project like this. Easy to shape, easy to paint.

Well, I have always wanted a sundial watch, however impractical and useless that would be. It could also double as a self-defense weapon if it was pointed enough, I guess.

Regarding the pendulum: if I couldn't have one, I probably wouldn't consider doing the project. Or, I'd at least shape the clock after something other than a Poliwag.
As for the quartz mechanism, I think that the link I provided in the OP is one such thing (and it has a pendulum, too by the looks of it). At least, it looks like it would work to me.
For the wood, do you have any kind you can recommend? In my limited experience with wood, I've never really encountered a lightweight, thin, and most importantly, smooth kind. Although, I suppose with enough sanding, any wood can become really smooth.
You could always start with one of those black-and-white cat clocks with the eyes that move opposite to the tail, which is the pendulum.

Another option is to start with a a module you might find at a craft store. In tech in high school we had to make a clock, and were given the choice but I chose the battery powered quartz module, and lathed the face from a piece of wood. I would suggest making it out of wood, for the reasons listed above. you could easily make the different coloured pieces by cutting, then sanding the edges down, then painting some 2 or 3 ply. Fretsaw would be my weapon of choice.
For the tail, you could hook up a simple motor with a T flip flop latch to control the direction. Wire that in to the clock, and thar you go.
horzza said:
You could always start with one of those black-and-white cat clocks with the eyes that move opposite to the tail, which is the pendulum...

Saw this when I was looking through recent postings, didn't check the dates.

Whoopsie :sweat: