Anybody seen the halo effect tonight?


Look at the moon, and you might still see it. There's a faint glowing ring hanging around the moon. It wasn't there an hour ago, but I saw it and took some pics. If you hurry, you guys might see it too!
Nope. Blue moon is when two full moons happen to occur in the same month. I looked this up, all I find is halo effect. The blue moon just happens to be in coincidence with this.

Also, don't worry, I won't throw it in your face that I have proved you wrong, Palmer. ;)
It's gone. :cry:

Oh well. Here's my horrible pic:

Also, I found out it's called a Lunar Halo.
Wikipedia said:
A moon dog or moondog (scientific name paraselene, plural paraselenae, i.e. "beside the moon") is a relatively rare bright circular spot on a lunar halo caused by the refraction of moonlight by hexagonal-plate-shaped ice crystals in cirrus or cirrostratus clouds. Moondogs appear to the left and right of the moon 22° or more distant.

Moon dogs are bright spots to the left and right of the moon when a lunar halo is in effect. Meh, it doesn't matter. It was cool while it lasted!