Any way to SD card mod an n64?


Active Member
I'm looking for various mods to do to my n64 and I'm wondering if this would be possible. If so how? Also does anyone know how to add a switch for this overclock guide?

Edit: Just so you know this is allowed as you don't know for sure what I'd use the SD card for :p.
SD Card "mod" for the N64?
As in, you want to run ROMs off an SD card?

Short answer: Yep, possible.
Longer answer: Not happening, please don't ask why.

If you're curious, Marshallh said "no" for the same reason I say don't ask.
To answer just in case you do ask, it would take forever to come up with a way to get this to work. I believe marshall is working on something but it will cost quite a bit and has required much knowledge of the way n64 carts work and how they communicate with the system. So it's like laptop screens: It's possible, yeah, but don't expect it to be anywhere near easy.
It is theoretically possible to get an N64 to load games from an SD card. However it is insanely difficult. If you want to know why, I can explain it (mostly), but if you don't care I don't want to because it's kind of a long explaination.

About the overclocking mod, switching should be simple. If you want to switch between 1.5x and 2x you need a DPDT switch, and you need to wire it like this: Ground and 5V go to the center poles. The wires from the CPU connect to one end, and then to the opposite pole on the other end.
XCVG said:
It is theoretically possible to get an N64 to load games from an SD card. However it is insanely difficult. If you want to know why, I can explain it (mostly), but if you don't care I don't want to because it's kind of a long explaination.

About the overclocking mod, switching should be simple. If you want to switch between 1.5x and 2x you need a DPDT switch, and you need to wire it like this: Ground and 5V go to the center poles. The wires from the CPU connect to one end, and then to the opposite pole on the other end.
Nah I'll leave it at "It's hard". I want to switch between normal and 2x Which would be pin 112 to ground and pin 116 to 3.3v, I'm just not sure how I'd wire the switch(Itd be a standard 3 pin switch right?)
Anyone have any other ideas for mods as well?
To switch the overclocking you need a DPDT switch, which should have 6 pins.

Other mods? RGB mod, if you have a compatible N64. Japanese games mod, perhaps? True region mod, but I don't know how to do that, others have done it.
Great I killed my n64...I MAY be able to fix it when I get a desoldering bulb the weekend but I doubt it.
XCVG said:
To switch the overclocking you need a DPDT switch, which should have 6 pins.

Other mods? RGB mod, if you have a compatible N64. Japanese games mod, perhaps? True region mod, but I don't know how to do that, others have done it.
There's really no point in making a true region modded n64. It's not like PAL had better games, and the games from that region are insanely hard to get. :mad: (at a decent price)

To switch all that you would need would be a dpdt. And, overclocking doesn't make it go faster, it eliminates lag :gonk:
Not quite. IIRC, the original N64 would just run faster, and the newer ones were able to actually use the extra clock cycles. Marshal explained it at one point.
I found no difference between the Rev 4 I overclocked and the one that was stock. :wtf: Both had expansion paks in.
There's a YT video of a guy playing Goldeneye on an overclocked N64. It definitely makes the game run faster.