Another snes portable: classic BH/MR stye


Crazy Train
Not much to say on this. I wanted to get it done in time for a trip so I settled on a plane jane zn-45 for the case so it looks like one of LOB's or many other portables as oppose to a custom case. It uses an snes mini and a psone screen with rgb video since composite sucks. It gets around five hours of battery life and works very well. For whatever reason though, when using the super gameboy I get no audio, but I get audio with any other game I play. I didn't have time to figure this out since I finished it the day of my trip. Anyways, time for a video

On a side note, this was originally going to be a combo snes/nes portable (yes, using real nes hardware as well) but for whatever reason the two systems didn't like to share the same ground and while the snes played fine, the nes would give me a garbled image. The nes works fine hooked up to a tv using its own power source, so as said before, with the limited time, I just ripped the nes out and made it snes only. Expect a portable nes soon....
The design is somewhat reminiscent of old-school LOB SNESes, which I was always a fan of (though I guess you already hinted at that being inspiration).