A new TV and new problems.

Well, Aguiluz, my phone's screen, which was an LCD, as far as I know, got burn-in - not permanent, mind you, but it took a while to go away (anywhere from thirty minutes to a few hours, and the time varied depending on how long it had been sitting on the "IM Received" screen).

Well, I decided on getting the Samsung Reclaim. It sounded like an awesome phone from the reviews, and it had more features than my old one did than I realized - the more I read about it, the more I liked it. I exchanged my old phone for one at the Sprint store today, a green one, and you know what? I really like it so far! It's nice and compact, I won't be hitting a bajillion keys/accidentally dialing God-knows-who whenever I put it into/take it out of my pocket (which happened all the time with my old phone), it can take and receive videos, it has a dedicated Twitter app... it's great so long as it keeps working!
hotdog-cart said:
Funny thing is, I own an "Insignia" brand LCD TV. I've had it for a year now. It was uber cheap compared to others its size, and it works perfectly. :P

Never buy a "Prima" brand TV. They're crap.
My insignia Tube gives the GREATEST Sd resolution of all time. no actually, Insignia TV's are great.