Aright guys, I need your help. The n64 is acting really weird.
I rcp wired it this morning and before that tested all of my games to make sure the expansion pak wouldn't be a variable if it didn't work. They all worked fine.
Now a few hours later with all 30 wires connected, (power and ground are wired too but they are bridged on the slot so I only use 1 wire) There are no shorts and according to the multimeter everything is connected properly.
Now here's the weird part, it seems that only some games work, out of all of the games I tested only golden eye, perfect dark, quake, and paper mario worked, all the other games just gave me the green screen. (it's a very dark green that almost looks black, it's what you get when it's not wired right)
The games that I tested that didn't work were: mario 64, pokemon stadiis someum 2, mario tennis, mario party 3, hydro thunder. I didn't test all of my games.
I suspect it might be the length and gauge of the wires, it's kynar wire and most of it is at almost 6 inches. (it has to stretch to the top to reach the slot.
So what do you guys think it could be? SS did you experience this problem? (the only other person I remember doing it is bacteria)
EDIT: Also later I'm going to open a couple of them up and compare them, it might be a wire that doesn't have a very good connection that those games need, and the others don't.