5- LED series

Yoshilime M.R.

Master of Limes
Sup people.

For a school project, im planning on wiring 5 led's.

Now, can someone teach me and make me a diagram on how to wire 5 up to a battery and on/off switch? Will i need any resistors? Thanks :mrgreen:
Positive from battery--> Switch(This one should be easy to get)---->5 seperate cable leads(we're wiring them in parallel, beetches!)----->Resistors on each one(somebody else will go get the resistance, but don't we need to know the voltage of the batteries?)----->Positive From The LED, one led for every resistor(buddy system)--->Connect to the Negative from batteries

series :oops:
do all that but have only one resistor and daisy chain all the led's.