Recent content by RetroNuva10

  1. R

    Any recommendations for screen?

    Here's a good one.
  2. R

    RetroPad64 [N64P]

    Here I go. Starting my first portable. I'll list off the different things I'm using in this N64 portable: For the case, I'm taking a Wii U GamePad protective plastic case. It's weak, but I'll coat the inside with some ABS cement. The screen I'm most likely going to use is a 5" rear-view car...
  3. R

    Naimlessones 2nd Unnamed N64p

    I know this a really noob-ish question, but what are those yellow, plastic sheets with holes you used to attach the motherboard to? I know I've seen them before, but I forgot what they're called..
  4. R

    [N64 Portable] What screen?

    Thanks -- But I found one I like :) It's 5"
  5. R

    [N64 Portable] What screen?

    That's actually a good idea. I'll look into getting one. If you of any 6.2" screens that work with N64P's -- Please give the link. :)
  6. R

    Untitled N64 Portable Info

    Wow. Thanks for lots of info! Yeah, I was thinking of frankein-casing the Atari Lynx case (Sort of like the GC Lynx someone made) I may ask you some other questions at a later time. Thanks a lot!
  7. R

    Untitled N64 Portable Info

    Well here it is. The start of my portable. I'm quite afraid of starting this. Most likely because I'm 13 and I have no experience in modding/wiring/soldering. But I'll definitely try. Also, if I do have problems (Which I most DEFINITELY will), it would be amazing if people could help me with...
  8. R

    [N64 Portable] What screen?

    Hey. It's been a while since I've posted anything related to my N64P (Or related to anything else for that matter..) I am not sure what screen to use for my portable. I'm using a Wii U Gamepad protective case (Gonna' use leftover plastic from the N64 console to patch up spots with holes) for my...
  9. R

    Question for making a N64 Portable

    Cool! :D Let's compare the final products when that happens!
  10. R

    Question for making a N64 Portable

    K, thanks bro. Time to order the stuff!! :mrgreen:
  11. R

    Question for making a N64 Portable

    I mean the actual Gamepad. Just take out all the stuff in it. That's what I was going to use, or an Atari Lynx case. Which one should I choose? Cheers, -Ben.
  12. R

    Question for making a N64 Portable

    So, are you saying only the controller will fit in the Wii U case? Because I was planning on using it for the whole N64p. Thanks for replying. Cheers, -Ben.
  13. R

    Another GameCube SP

    What is the name of the screen you used, and where can I find it? Where did you get the case? Anyways, AWESOME portable! Cheers, -Ben.
  14. R

    Question for making a N64 Portable

    I'm currently planning on making an N64 portable (My first portable, to be exact), and am buying all the supplies that i'll need online, but I'm torn between using a Wii U game-pad case, or an old Atari Lynx case for my portable. My question is: Can the components of an N64 and controller fit...